Grow Wild: Gardening to Sustain Wildlife in the Hepburn Shire
Posted on 12 March, 2020 by Frances
Update: The authors have cancelled the book launch of ‘Grow Wild’, but the book is now available to purchase.
Our Wombat Forest neighbours have been busy writing and publishing an excellent new book titled ‘Grow Wild: Gardening to Sustain Wildlife in the Hepburn Shire’.
They have extended a special invitation to the Connecting Country family to join them at the launch on Sunday 29 March at 2.00 pm in the Glenlyon Hall (Daylesford-Malmsbury Rd, Glenlyon VIC).
Written by local resident and avid gardener, Jill Teschendorff, and published by Wombat Forestcare, this beautiful book aims to empower people to include indigenous plants in their gardens and provide the special habitat needed by our local wildlife.
Guest speaker: AB Bishop author, radio presenter, horticulturalist and gardening ‘trouble-shooter’
Copies of the book will be available for purchase.
RSVP by Wednesday 25 March 2020
Jill Teschendorff 03 5348 7947
Please see the flyer for further information – click here
RSVPs are essential.

Butterflies enjoy backyard gardens and are excellent pollinators for many plant species. Photo: Elaine Bayes
Hi, i wish to buy the grow wild book, how do i go about this?
Hello Pamela,
Good question! You can purchase the book by emailing ($15 plus postage). The Wombat Forestcare website says that the book is also available at Paradise Books, Daylesford and Trentham Post Office. There is more information at