Friends of Campbells Creek working bee: 7 April 2019
Posted on 4 April, 2019 by Ivan
With the cooler weather arriving, Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare are kicking off a working bee this weekend, aimed at establishing another viable population of Goldfields Grevillea (Grevillea dryophylla). Wattle Flat Forest (west of Barkers Creek) is the only place in Mount Alexander Shire with a natural population of Goldfields Grevillea. This means it is vulnerable to wildfire and other threats.
Goldfields Grevillea (photo by Bonnie Humphreys)
For the last five years or so, Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare have been experimenting with re-establishing this plant at Campbells Creek, near Castlemaine, Victoria. Not only have plants survived, they have set seed and recruited a second generation! This is great news. By creating another larger population at Campbells Creek, they will increase the plant’s chance of surviving in the shire and improve habitat quality along the creek, as the flowers attract honeyeaters and other nectar-feeding animals.
Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare will be direct sowing the seeds of this interesting plant, plus some other wildflowers that are doing well in this area, including Leucochrysum albicans, Wahlenbergia multicaulis and Xerochrysum viscosum. Morning tea will be provided around midday.
Direct sowing of Goldfields Grevillea at Campbells Creek
When: Sunday 7 April 2019 from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon, followed by morning tea
Meet at: North end of Honeycomb Rd, Campbells Creek VIC (just past the last of the houses)
Bring: Wear sturdy clothing suitable for the weather on the day, hat and gloves
Bring your own water and if you can, a metal toothed rake or similar implement
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