Feedback requested by DELWP on biodiversity laws
Posted on 27 February, 2017 by Connecting Country
The Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has two major reviews open for public comment at the moment. Both are highly relevant to the future of Victoria’s natural values.
Review of the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee (FFG) Act 1988
When it was released, the FFG Act was considered an impressive step forward in biodiversity conservation. However, it is generally accepted that the Act has not lived up to its early promise, and even the government recognizes that it has not achieved what it was intended to do – “The Act has been in place for nearly thirty years, but this has coincided with a decline in Victoria’s biodiversity“. A consultation paper has been prepared by DELWP to seek the community views on the Act and how it could be improved by incorporating improvements in our knowledge of native flora and fauna. The consultation paper and information on making a submission is available at their website (click here). Consultation closes on 13 March 2017.
Proposed changes to the Victorian Native Vegetation Clearing Regulations
DELWP are seeking community feedback about any potential implementation issues before the changes to the relevant clauses of the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP) and all Victorian planning schemes are adopted. They are especially seeking comment from ‘people who may be affected by, or who are responsible for, implementing the proposed system changes to the native vegetation clearance regulations’. “Due to a high level of stakeholder interest, the period that the proposed changes to the native vegetation clearing regulations are available for comment has been extended, and will now close on 8 March 2017.” However, anybody with an interest in the conservation, management and protection of Victoria’s native vegetation is encouraged to consider the proposed changes.
Details of the proposed changes, and DELWP’s preferred process for public submissions, are on their website ( You can also get further information by contacting the DELWP Native Vegetation review team by email:
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