Economics of the Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program: a strong case for investment
Posted on 8 September, 2020 by Ivan
An economic analysis of the value of the Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program demonstrated that the $4 million program generates $31 million in value – a benefit cost ratio of more than 7:1. The report was commissioned by Landcare Victoria Inc. and prepared by the global consulting firm RPS Group with the aim of quantifying return on investment. It also demonstrated that the wider social cohesion created by Landcare Facilitators and their activities is valued at $87 million.
These results show that Landcare Facilitators play a crucial ‘leveraging’ role for Landcare in Victoria. While Landcare projects deliver net benefits in and of themselves, the facilitators amplify the scope and scale of Landcare activities across the state. The report provides a powerful argument for continued government support of the Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program.
To view the ‘Landcare Victoria – return on investment’ report – click here
The Landcare movement in Australia brings together a diverse community of staff, landowners and volunteers. Landcarers support rural and regional communities by restoring Australia’s natural environment, improving the sustainability of agricultural activities and building resilience in communities. Landcare projects attract investment and in-kind support into these communities, provide opportunities for volunteering, and deliver substantial outcomes from relatively small investments.
The State Government Victoria invests in the Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program as part of it’s support for Landcare activities across the state. The program funds facilitators to support Landcarers around the state to deliver outcomes by building partnerships, securing grants and supporting project delivery. In 2019, Landcare Facilitators supported 689 groups across Victoria, playing a major role in initiating, securing funding for, delivering, and increasing the impact of Landcare projects.
How you can help
If you’d like to help secure future investment in Landcare in Victoria:
- Contact your local Member of Parliament.
- Tell them about how important the Landcare Facilitator Program is for your Landcare Group and community, and about the terrific return on public investment the program generates.
- Ask them to ensure they support continued funding for the Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program and Landcare Grants Program in the upcoming Victorian state budget.

Connecting Country Acacia workshop with Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare Group in 2019 (photo by Gen Kay)
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