Donate a tree this EOFY: Seeking your help for National Tree Day
Posted on 13 June, 2023 by Ivan
With the end of the financial year looming, we are asking our friends, supporters and community to donate a tree for our youth to plant at National Tree Day in July 2023.
We are partnering with local Landcare groups and Mount Alexander Shire Council to deliver a National Tree Day event on Sunday 30 July 2023. The day will be open to everyone to participate and will include planting indigenous plants for habitat and learning more about our local landscape.
The tree planting event is answering a call from the younger generations of our community who, in a recent Council survey, asked for more opportunities to plant trees, make homes for wildlife and to undertake practical actions to address climate change.
We are raising funds to purchase local native plants and host a Community Planting Day to support the Mount Alexander/ Leanganook community – young and wise – to help heal the land.
How you can help: sponsor a community planting day!
You can sponsor the day by donating funds to go towards the purchase of the plants, stakes and guards.
If you wish, you can attend the community planting day, get your hands dirty and plant the plants you have sponsored. However, if you can’t attend the event, your contribution will be guaranteed and the community will plant for you!
Let’s work together to protect and restore our local biodiversity and nurture the land for our future generations!
Donate today via our Give Now page – click here
Donating to our ‘Trees for our next generation’ campaign provides excellent value for your investment:
- All plants purchased using the funds raised during this campaign will be from local nurseries that specialise in indigenous plants to this region. This is vital to ensure plants are adapted to local conditions, support local wildlife whilst supporting local businesses.
- Experienced volunteers from Landcare will be supporting the planting, making this an effective and highly efficient project.
- Our 15-year track record of landscape restoration and monitoring demonstrates the importance and relevance of this project and the excellent outcomes for local wildlife and community education.
- Restoring degraded bushland, which was turned upside-down during the gold rush, is an important community engagement activity and allows people who deeply care about our landscape to take direct action.
- The project will allow donors who wish to be involved on the day to plant a local native plant on National Tree Day, as well as passionate volunteers and younger generations.
- This project will support young people to undertake practical actions to address climate change and biodiversity loss – a key issue that young people are acutely aware will profoundly affect their generation.
Any funds raised above our target will go directly towards purchasing plants for other Landcare groups in our region.
Donate today via our Give Now page – click here

Photo Credit: Leonie van Eyk
We have a secure payment system and all donations (>$2) to Connecting Country are tax deductible.
Can’t donate? Here are some other ways you can help
- Attend the community tree planting event, and volunteer to revegetate the sponsored plants
- Share our campaign with your friends and networks.
- Retain leaf litter, logs, and trees (especially mature trees) on your property, as these provide foraging and den resources for wildlife
- Consider doing revegetation or installing nestboxes on your property
- Contribute to restoring healthy forests by joining your local Landcare or Friends group. To find a group near you – click here
The background story: Degraded bushland
The Mount Alexander region of central Victoria has a long history of removing native vegetation for gold mining, agriculture, and timber and firewood harvesting, leading to many areas of degraded bushland, with little understory, or suitable habitat. In Australia, it can take hundreds of years for trees to form natural hollows. Due to the profound environmental change caused by European colonisation and the gold rush, many trees in our region are still young and have little understory or ground cover. Connecting Country has nearly two decades of experience in restoring these landscapes, and will oversee the event, to ensure the maximum benefit for our local wildlife and community.
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