Do You Have a Rabbit Problem?
Posted on 19 April, 2013 by Connecting Country
How many offspring can Mr Rabbit and Mrs Rabbit potentially produce in 18 months? The answer is a staggering 180 bunnies! And that is one of the reasons why rabbits have such a big impact on both agricultural land and natural environments in our region.
While rabbit numbers are certainly nowhere near to what they were in the first half of the 20th Century – before Myxomatosis and Calicivirus decimated the population – they are still a serious problem. As immunity to these diseases increases, the rabbit population is growing again. Even one rabbit per hectare can stop regeneration of some native plant species.
Connecting Country’s Ute Guide to Rabbit Control is a simple and easy to understand guide to rabbit control options, and small enough to fit into the glove box of your ute (or any other car!). It covers how to tell if rabbits are present, the physical and chemical methods of control, and which options are most suited to the size of the infestation.
The guide has been produced as part of Connecting Country’s ‘Connecting Landscapes Project’. This five-year program will work with private landholders to create and enhance wildlife habitat connections between the large blocks of crown land forest that occur through the Mount Alexander Shire and immediate surrounds.
If you would like to receive a copy of the Ute Guide to Rabbit Control, contact Connecting Landscapes Project Coordinator Jarrod Coote on (03) 5472 1594 or

Connecting Landscapes Project Coordinator Jarrod Coote displays the new Ute Guide Guide to Rabbit Control. But who’s behind the wheel?
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