Conserving the Turquoise Parrot – talk on 10 May 2019
Posted on 9 May, 2019 by Ivan
Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club have a very special speaker for their May 2019 General Meeting.
The Turquoise Parrot – conservation successes in north east Victoria
Speaker: Chris Tzaros, wildlife ecologist, photographer and author of ‘Wildlife of the Box Ironbark Country’ book
When: 7.30 pm on Friday 10 May 2019
Where: Uniting Church Hall, behind the Uniting Church on Lyttleton St, Castlemaine VIC (next to Castlemaine Art Museum)
Once faced with extinction in the early 1900s, the Turquoise Parrot has made a remarkable comeback and now exists throughout many parts of Victoria, NSW and southern Queensland. Although still listed as threatened, there are some areas where it has established secure localised populations. One such area is the hills of north-east Victoria, where a campaign to address key threats and improve the species’ habitat has been operating for about six years.
Community involvement has been instrumental to the programs success, with private landholders actively participating in a raft of activities that will hopefully allow this spectacular little bird to enjoy a bright future. This is an inspiring conservation success story that provides hope for other conservation initiatives.
The talk is open to both members and visitors – bring along friends and family. Tea and snacks available afterwards. There is no cost for attendance.
For more information please contact Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club – click here

Conserving the Turquoise Parrot (photo by Chris Tzaros)
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