Connecting Country turns ten: a picnic in the park 28 November 2017
Posted on 14 November, 2017 by Tanya Loos
Come one, come all for a picnic in the Castlemaine Botanic Gardens to celebrate our tenth birthday! This gathering aims to bring together supporters and friends from the beginning, middle and future of Connecting Country’s story.
It was 2007 when Beth Mellick of the Wettenhall Environment Trust approached the late and great Doug Ralph with an idea about landscape restoration in the region. Doug promptly called Marie Jones (who still stands on the committee today!) and a small team developed to nut out the first beginnings of what grew into Connecting Country.
Today it is 2017, and we would love you to join us in the park to reflect on the past and celebrate the future! We are keeping it casual – here are the details:
When: Tuesday November 28 at 6pm
Where: Castlemaine Botanic Gardens Tea rooms
BYO: Please bring:
* a plate of something savoury or sweet to share, and a little sign with a dietary description. Vegetarian preferred 🙂
* crockery – plate, cups, cutlery
* drinks of your choice
* A chair or two, or a picnic blanket
No need to RSVP – we will see you there!

A few familiar faces in this mob! An early planning meeting with Beth Mellick, Geoff Park, Maurie Dynon, Gib Wettenhall, and others
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