Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Connecting Country Annual General Meeting

Posted on 9 September, 2011 by Connecting Country

When: 7:30pm, Monday 26th September
Where: Ray Bradfield Room, Castlemaine

Please join us in some wine and cheese and celebrate our previous 12 months of the Connecting Country project. We shall be electing the committee for next 12 months, receiving a project update from Coordinator, Chris Timewell, and Jodie Odgers from North Central Catchment Management Authority, shall be presenting the Victorian Landcare Grants to local recipients.

In addition, we shall be getting inspired by our guest speakers, Ann-Marie Monda and Carla Meurs from Sutton Grange Organic Farm (producers of the award-winning Holy Goat Cheese). Having gained experience on farms in Australia and overseas, Ann-Marie and Carla’s organic cheese-making skills reflect their respect and care for the natural environment. With the wellbeing of the goat herd and an integrated holistic farm management taking priority, animals and their pastures are maintained at a level of optimum health.  They are involved in Connecting Country’s Yellow Box Woodland project with supplementary plantings of native mid-storey shrubs within the fenced remnant areas of grassy woodland.

The full AGM agenda can be downloaded here.

It’s also time to renew your membership for the 2011-12 year! Although membership is free, Connecting Country memberships for groups and individuals still need to be renewed on an annual basis.  New memberships for individuals and groups are also encouraged.  In order to do this, the following documents can be downloaded:

If you are interested in being on the Connecting Country Committee of Management, the committee nomination form can be downloaded (which must be posted to The Public Officer/Secretary, Connecting Country Inc., PO Box 347, Castlemaine VIC 3450 prior to the 26th Sept 2011).

For catering purposes, please RSVP to or call 5472 1594 by Thursday the 22nd of September.

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