Celebration afternoon tea for the bird friends of the region: Sept 29, 2017
Posted on 14 September, 2017 by Tanya Loos
Birds hold a very special place in the hearts of the Mount Alexander Region community. Connecting Country has nearly 200 subscribers to the bird survey eNews, over 16 participating households with long term bird monitoring sites on their property, and a regular band of birdwatchers on our bird walks and outings. Hundreds of bird records have been sent in by our volunteers for addition to our bird survey database. And now it is time to say “thanks!”.
You are all invited to a lush afternoon tea at the Chewton Town Hall on Friday September 29. This event will provide an opportunity to thank you all for your participation in the two year Stewards for Woodland Birds project, and most importantly present the results of the last two years of bird monitoring!
It will also be time an opportunity to talk about the next steps, as we are also moving into a new phase of citizen science bird monitoring. Therefore, I also hope to officially assign one or more local survey sites to those birdwatchers who are interested in being involved. All of the landholders who have existing bird survey sites on their land are also being invited, and it would be great for birdwatching volunteers and landholders to meet face to face. I also want to hear from YOU – what are your needs and interests for our continued bird monitoring program?
Lastly, we will be joined by Fiona Blandford from BirdLife Australia who will talk to us about the possibility of a new BirdLife Branch in the region – tentatively to be known as BirdLife Goldfields! This is a most exciting development and I would love to see some folks put their hand up to possibly be involved.
Friday September 29, Chewton Town Hall 2- 5pm. Please RSVP for this event so I can ensure I have the right amount of delicious treats for you all. For further information call me on 5472 1594 or email tanya@connectingcountry.org.au

Two finches – A Diamond Firetail with two Red-browed Finches, in a bird bath in the Nuggetty area – sent in by Nick Schulz. Thanks Nick!
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