Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

20 February – Forest Creek Action Plan Launch and Reference Group Meeting

Posted on 16 February, 2012 by Connecting Country

Connecting Country’s first Reference Group meeting for 2012 will take place at 7pm on Monday 20 February in the Ray Bradfield Rooms. This will be an opportunity to meet two new team members: Local Landcare Facilitator, Max Schlachter, and Barkers Creek Clean Up Project Officer, Michael Luke.

Connecting Country will also be launching the recently produced ‘Forest Creek Action Plan’. The plan has been produced through consultation with local community groups who have an interest in restoring the ecological health of Forest Creek, as well as the government agencies responsible for managing the creek, and local residents.

The Forest Creek Action Plan documents how the creek is valued by local residents and what threats it may face in the future. It also provides information on the social and natural history of the creek. The plan should be of value to anybody with an interest in the history and ecology of Forest Creek and the Box-Ironbark forest landscape more generally.

Forest Creek’s proximity to Castlemaine and its surrounding townships makes it an important recreation area and a showcase for successful ecological restoration. Local community groups have worked very hard and very successfully over the last 20 years to restore the Forest Creek landscape and it is hoped that the Forest Creek Action Plan will help them to continue their work in the future. The iconic degradation of Forest Creek is now an opportunity for iconic restoration!


2012 Connecting Country Education Program

Posted on 9 February, 2012 by Connecting Country

The 2012 Education Program explores the idea that efficient production and care for nature go hand in hand. It includes workshops, lectures, discussions and field trips, and will throw some interesting questions at participants: Can farmers get paid to look after nature? How can conservation measures help long term farm efficiency? Does revegetation really make farmland more resilient?

Commencing on Monday the 27th of February, the program will first travel to Maldon, Chewton, Sutton Grange and Guildford to present a nest box watch workshop series. This will be followed by a lecture on the benefits of biodiversity in agriculture with Dr Dennis Saunders (Research Fellow CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences) on Tuesday 20th of March. Other sessions will cover practicalities like identifying native vegetation using Victorian Standards with Paul Foreman (Bush Heritage Australia) and Ian Higgins (North Central Catchment Management Authority) on Saturday 25th of March, followed by Establishing goals for revegetation initiatives by Prof Ary Hoffman (Bio21 Institute – University of Melbourne) on Tuesday 8th of May, and finish with Using native grasses and shrubs for pasture, presented by Graeme Hand (STIPA Native Grasses Association) on Friday 25th of May. A panel discussion on the economic opportunities related to farming for nature will also be held on Wednesday 18th April where the public can quiz some of the active local organisations such as Australian Carbon Traders, Trust for Nature, Connecting Country, Bush Broker and Land for Wildlife.

The program is open to all members of the public. Evening sessions are free, however the first two field days are $10 per person to cover transportation. For more information and to RSVP please contact or call the Connecting Country office on 5472 1594. Full details of the program and a registration form can be found here.


Mount Alexander Community Wind Project

Posted on 6 February, 2012 by Connecting Country

The Mount Alexander Sustainability Group is examining the feasibility of establishing a community-owned and community-sized wind farm in the Shire. A site has not yet been decided on and they are currently seeking community views on all aspects of the proposed project.

You can find more information and how to get involved in the project by reading this document.


20 February – Connecting Country Reference Group Meeting

Posted on 6 February, 2012 by Connecting Country

The first Connecting Country Reference Group meeting for 2012 will be held on Monday the 20 February at 7pm in the Ray Bradfield Room, Castlemaine. There will be an opportunity to meet our two new staff members – Michael Luke (Barkers Creek Cleanup Project Officer) and the new Landcare Facilitator.  The recently appointed Natural Environment officer, Kylie Stafford, from the Mount Alexander Shire will also be in attendance.

We urge our Landcare Group representatives to attend this meeting as this will be a great opportunity to provide further input into the Landcare Facilitator role over the next four years. We will also be launching the Forest Creek Action Plan developed by Max Schlachter.

For catering purposes please RSVP by Thursday the 16th of February to or call the office on 5472 1594.


What’s Up with the Weather?

Posted on 1 February, 2012 by Connecting Country

The North Central CMA together with the Victorian Department of Primary Industries and the Loddon Shire Council are holding a free public forum ‘What’s up with the weather?’ at Serpentine.

You will be able to find out the latest weather predictions and how the DPI Climate Dogs can help you better understand weather patterns.

Guest speakers include:

  • Jane Bunn – WIN TV Weather Presenter
  • Graeme Anderson – DPI Senior Climate Scientist

When: Tuesday 14 February 2012, 8.00 am – 11.00 am (breakfast and morning tea provided)

Where: Serpentine Hall, Chapel Street, Serpentine.

RSVP (for catering purposes) by 10.00 am Monday 13 February 2012 to North Central CMA by emailing or by calling 03 5448 7124.


Farm-Tree and Landcare Association Newsletter

Posted on 31 January, 2012 by Connecting Country

Amongst a range of other interesting articles, the latest Farm-Tree and Landcare Association newsletter includes information on:

  • Aussie Farmer Foundations Grants
  • Funding for Landcare groups to run Farm Ready-funded Climate Presentations
  • New Smart Phone Weed App

The newsletter can be viewed by clicking here.


Trial Sites Wanted

Posted on 25 January, 2012 by Connecting Country

The North Central CMA is developing two funding proposals for the Australian Government’s Action on the Ground program that, if successful, will require on-farm trial and demonstration sites to be established throughout our region.

The proposed projects have been designed around on-farm trial and demonstration sites to highlight practices and technologies that reduce agricultural sector greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase carbon stored in the soil.

Expressions of interest are being sought for hosting trial and demonstration sites on properties within the North Central Catchment Management Authority’s region, which includes the whole of the Mount Alexander Shire and immediate surrounds. Please see the attached document for more details about the projects and how to register your interest. The closing date is 6 February 2012.


Help Needed for Yellow Box Seed Sourcing

Posted on 10 January, 2012 by Connecting Country

CSIRO scientist Dr. Linda Broadhurst, in collaboration with Greening Australia, has commenced working on a project to assess the genetic diversity of Yellow Box Eucalyptus melliodora where populations naturally occur across the country. This research will assist in the successful reintroduction of Yellow Box into the landscape by ensuring as much genetic diversity as possible when the species is planted or seeded back into a site.  The outcomes of this study could have many benefits for Connecting Country’s Yellow Box Woodland project.

At this early stage of Dr Broadhurst’s research, Yellow Box seed needs to be collected and analysed from a diverse range of sites extending right across its natural distribution. Dr Linda Broadhurst would like to get the community involved and is asking anybody who is able to collect Yellow Box seed or has some already collected to be part of this important project.

To find out more about the project and how to participate, click here.


New Landcare Facilitator Position Advertised

Posted on 24 December, 2011 by Connecting Country

Landcare Facilitator Position for the Mount Alexander Region
Connecting Country has commenced advertising for the new Landcare Facilitator position. The position will be based at Connecting Country’s Office in Castlemaine and is a 12 Month 0.6FTE position, with the possibility of extension. More information about the proposed facilitator’s role can be found here. Applications close on the 16 January 2012.

Steering Committee for the Landcare Facilitator
Connecting Country is also seeking people who are interested in participating on a voluntary basis on a Steering Committee which is being established to provide guidance for the Landcare Facilitator. For more information click here.


Connecting Country’s Yellow Box Woodland Project: The First Two Years

Posted on 22 December, 2011 by Connecting Country

Connecting Country has produced a report on its achievements for the first two years of funding for the Yellow Box Woodland project. It can be downloaded here.

The report describes the Connecting Country Project and gives a summary of achievements in the three project areas: On-Ground Works, the Monitoring Program and Community Engagement. It covers the period from October 2009 to September 2011.

Funding for the Yellow Box Woodland project has been extended for another year.  Landowners and groups who are interested in undertaking on-ground works on their properties are invited to submit an expression of interest.  The education program for 2012 will be launched in January, and there will be increased opportunities for the community to become involved in monitoring of nest-boxes, birds and vegetation during the year ahead.


8-9 March 2012 – National Soils Forum in Bendigo

Posted on 19 December, 2011 by Connecting Country

The North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is hosting the 2012 National Soils Forum in Bendigo.  The forum will bring together key landholders, local farmers, scientists and policy makers to discuss how we secure the productive and environmental values of our soils in North Central Victoria.

Thursday 8 and Friday 9 March 2012

Thursday 10am – 5.30pm, Field trips and trade exhibitions
Thursday from 7pm, Civic reception/Gala dinner
Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm, Forum and trade exhibitions

Quality Resort All Seasons, McIvor Road, Bendigo

Keynote speakers include Dr Julian Cribb, journalist, editor, science communicator and author of The Coming Famine and Dr. Peter Carberry, Deputy Director for the CSIRO Sustainable Agriculture Flagship program.

The forum will include field trips and trade exhibits, and cover climate change, contemporary farming systems, and economic circumstances that place pressure on the land.

The forum is delivered under the North Central CMA’s Farming for Sustainable Soils project – initiative supported by the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country program.

For further information and registration including details of field trips, contact the North Central CMA on 03 5448 7124 or email   RSVP by February 9, 2012.


December issue of Groundcover

Posted on 19 December, 2011 by Connecting Country

The December issue of the North Central CMA publication Groundcover is now available and can be downloaded here.  ‘Groundcover’ aims to keep people up to date with Landcare activities in the North Central region of Victoria.  The December issue includes a short article on Connecting Country’s eucalyptus identification workshops.


Four Australian Government Grants

Posted on 16 December, 2011 by Connecting Country

There are currently four opportunities for funding through the Australian Government:

  1. Biochar Capacity Building Program will support research, on-ground testing and demonstration of biochar to provide additional options for land managers to contribute to reducing Australia’s carbon pollution. Applications close on 3 Feb 2012. Click here to find out more.
  2. Action on the Ground is designed to assist the on-farm trial and demonstration of practices and technologies to reduce agricultural sector greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase carbon stored in soil. Applications close on 8 Feb 2012. Click here to find out more.
  3. Caring for Our Country 2012/2013 Business Plan. Click here to find out more.
  4. The Federal Govt. has just advertised the Biodiversity Fund. Under the first round of the Biodiversity Fund in 2011-12, over $30 million will be allocated to activities to help farmers and land managers store carbon, enhance biodiversity and increase resilience across the Australian landscape. Click here to find out more.


Update on Communities for Nature Grants Program

Posted on 15 December, 2011 by Connecting Country

The Communities for Nature grants program has an additional option for users submitting online applications.

Applications may be submitted in two ways:

Complete the online application form (preferred method) at the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) website. Please note you will need to download the supporting information form, complete it, and attach it to your online application


Complete the word version application form and supporting information form and email them to Attach all documents to one email, zipping the files if required.

Applicants should visit this website for the most up to date information (including the word version application form) or call the Grants Information Line on 1300 366 356. There is also information about these grants here on the Connecting Country site.

Please note that applications close on 19 December 2011.


Maurie Dynon recognised as Guildford Globe’s Person of the Year

Posted on 15 December, 2011 by Connecting Country


Guildford Landcare stalwart and Connecting Country Committee of Management member, Maurie Dynon, has been named The Guildford Globe’s ‘Person of the Year’.

In recognising Maurie’s contribution The Globe notes that ‘if it wasn’t for Maurie’s efforts as head of the Guildford/Upper Loddon Landcare Group, Guildford may well have ended up underwater on any number of occasions. Maurie has spear-headed project after project since 1995, revegetating, restoring and reinvigorating most of the wildlife corridors that constitute the Guildford, Newstead, Vaughan and surrounding areas.’

To see the complete Guildford Globe article click here.


Want to Develop a Whole Farm Plan?

Posted on 10 December, 2011 by Connecting Country

DPI’s FarmPlan21 team are holding a FREE accredited training course (six four-hour sessions) for interested landholders.

Topics covered include SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats); Soils and Land Classing; Weed Identification and Management; Biodiversity; Development of Action Plans; Review Whole Farm Plan; and Computerised Mapping.

Date: 8 February to 14 March 2012

Venue: Maldon Community Centre, Francis Street, Maldon

RSVP: 11 January  2012

A light supper will be provided.

Visit this site for an expression of interest form.

For further information, please contact Kevin Moschetti, Project Officer – Whole Farm Planning, FarmPlan21; telephone: 03 5430 4804, mobile: 0409 351 286 or email:


Presentations available from 25 Years of Landcare Conference

Posted on 9 December, 2011 by Connecting Country

Presentations from the Growing sustainable communities – 25 years of Landcare 1986-2011 conference are now available.

At this conference on 15 November 2011, more than 350 Landcarers, supporters and agency staff joined together at the MCG to mark Landcare’s first 25 years in Victoria and explore issues and opportunities for the future.

The Victorian Landcare gateway will provide a thorough evaluation of the conference online shortly. Presentations delivered at the conference can be accessed here.


New Landcare Position at Connecting Country

Posted on 9 December, 2011 by Connecting Country

Connecting Country is pleased to announce that it is one of 60 organisations in Victoria that have been successful in their bid to host one of the new Landcare Facilitator positions. The new local facilitator will be part-time and will work with landcare groups in the Mount Alexander Shire.

Connecting Country is excited by this development. It will enable the work that the organisation is already doing with landcare groups to be strengthened and extended.  Further details on the role of the new facilitator in supporting local landcare groups will be posted here soon.

For more information on these new positions see the media release from the Minister for Environment and Climate Change.


Photographing our Bushlands

Posted on 6 December, 2011 by Connecting Country

Connecting Country and Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests have produced a good quality colourful A2 poster containing 63 photos highlighting the beauty of our local bushlands. Member of Connecting Country and/or FOBIF can buy it for $15 from Connecting Country at The Hub 14/233b Barker St (entry through glass door on Templeton St— Please bring exact money). The poster is also available at Stonemans Bookroom and the Castlemaine Tourist Information Centre in the Market Building. Click here to see a larger version of the poster.



Alison Pouliot and the International Year of the Forests

Posted on 29 November, 2011 by Connecting Country

Over many years, well-known photographer and fungi expert Alison Pouliot has taken superb images of our local bushlands. On her website she notes that her photos concentrate on the design, diversity and connectedness of living things and that her background in research ecology has provided her with the ideal framework to seek and understand the subjects of her photography. Alison spends about half of each year in Europe and from there she has sent us a series of photos to celebrate the International Year of the Forests.

[slideshow id=16]

Recently Alison wrote reflectively on the importance of connecting with forests across the globe. The following is an extract from her essay which was originally published in the Castlemaine Independent:

When I first set foot in the local forest here in the European Jura a decade ago, I didn’t hear my footfall. There was no familiar crack of dried leaves and sticks of the Australian bush’s tangled understorey.  There was no warning call from pardalotes or treecreepers alerting all to my intrusion. And there was no shrill incessant ringing of cicadas above a chorus of buzzing insects.

The full essay can be downloaded here.

Apart from photographing the local environment, Alison regularly conducts her own workshops on fungi. Click here for information on her 2012 Autumn Fungi Workshops.