40 Seconds of Nest Box Action
Posted on 16 September, 2012 by Connecting Country
Connecting Country has installed two trail cameras to film activity at a nest box on a covenanted property on the outskirts of Castlemaine. (Thanks to the folks from the North Central region of Trust for Nature for use of the equpiment). The box contains a nesting female Brush-tailed Phascogale (Tuan) which is a great result for Connecting Country’s nest box project and for the Tuan population itself.
All landholders with Connecting Country nest boxes installed on their properties will soon receive a nest box survey field guide that will assist them with performing surveys of their own boxes. The results of these surveys will help Connecting Country determine the extent and health of the Tuan population across the region. A summary of the data from the first two years of nest box surveys will also be provided soon.
In the meantime, please enjoy the attached video clips that show the comings and goings at a nest box located in a Box-Ironbark Forest ecosystem. There is also a clip of a Sugar Glider, kindly supplied by the Chewton Bushlands Association, that shows the animal lining its nest with eucalyptus leaves. The most interesting feature of this clip is that the Sugar Glider is using its tail to carry the leaves.
Click here for footage showing a Brush-tailed Phascogale carrying nest material to its nest
Click here for footage showing a Sugar Glider continuing to watch the Brush-tailed Phascogale occupied nest box.
Click here for footage showing a Sugar Glider carrying eucalyptus leaves by it’s tail.

The Sugar Glider pictured here is the same one featured in the second video clip. As you will note from the image below, the Brush-tailed Phascogale is hot on the Sugar Glider’s heals, turning up about 20 minutes later to see what might be amiss.
Barkers Creek Local Action Plan – your feedback sought
Posted on 14 September, 2012 by Connecting Country

Local Action Plan Workshop participants discussing potential projects along each section of Barkers Creek.
The draft Barkers Creek Local Action Plan is a synthesis of the aspirations of three Landcare groups and the ideas of forty community members. The plan is now available for public comment and feedback.
Barkers Creek Clean-up Project Officer, Michael Luke commented that the ‘Local Action Plan is a big part of the Barkers Creek Clean-up Project. It has been developed in conjunction with the Barkers Creek Landcare Network and the local landholders who live along the length of the creek. We had over 40 people attend the community workshop in June. We wanted to find out what is important to the local community about Barkers Creek and what suggestions they have for the future management of the creek. We were very excited when twenty-five project concepts came out of the workshop. This draft Local Action Plan has been developed directly from those proposals.’
The Barkers Creek Landcare Network consists of the Barkers Creek Landcare and Wildlife, Harcourt Valley and the North Harcourt/Sedgwick Landcare groups, and receives support from Conencting Country. Once finalised, the Local Action Plan will help the three local Landcare groups to plan their activities into the future, and also to assist them in applying for grants and future funding opportunities. It will also be a useful resource for landholders and other community members living along and near the creek.
The draft plan is available for public comment and feedback. The plan can be downloaded here. For more information about the project or to provide comments and feedback about the plan, email michael@connectingcountry.org.au or call 5472 1594. Comments close on the 28th of September. If you are a landholder along the creek and have not contacted us before – please get in touch!
14 September 2012 – CFNC meeting on Cryptograms
Posted on 6 September, 2012 by Connecting Country
Cassia Read will be the guest speaker at next Castlemaine Field Naturalist meeting on Friday 14 September. Her presentation is entitled Miniature wonderlands of the dry country: What you miss when you don’t walk on your knees.
Cassia has been studying and working in the field of ecology for the last 15 years, starting out with a botany degree at Melbourne Uni and followed by a range of jobs including Fungimap coordinator, researching the evolution of plant architecture, and reporting on the impact of climate change on biodiversity in national parks. She is currently doing a PhD at Melbourne Uni on biological soil crusts of the Mallee and Wimmera.
Cassia is a member of a local group of moss enthusiasts who regularly go on short field trips. The group is working towards producing a guide to mosses in the area. More information on this can be found on the Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests website.
The following is an abstract of her upcoming CFNC talk.
Arid lands across the world share a common ecology with low rainfall, few trees and shrubs, and intriguing carpets of cryptogams protecting the soil (mosses, lichens, fungi and more). Otherwise known as biological soil crusts, these communities of cryptogams are full of interest; they exist at the soil surface in harsh environments and act as ecosystem engineers. Follow me on an exploration of these intriguing microcosms, around the globe and in our own arid lands of north west of Victoria to see their beauty, discover more about their importance and to understand how we can use this knowledge to manage our dry country.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend. The meeting commences at 7.30pm, and is being held in the hall behind the Uniting Church in Lyttleton St, Castlemaine.
For those interested there will be a short excursion the next morning. The group will meet at the Octopus building on Duke St (opposite the Castle Motel) at 9.30am.
Applications Now Open for Strengthening Our Community Grants
Posted on 6 September, 2012 by Connecting Country
Applications for the Strengthening Our Community Grants Scheme for 2012–2013 were opened by the Mount Alexander Shire on the 29 August 2012. Applications close 12 October 2012.
Application forms and Guidelines are available from:
- Mount Alexander Shire website
- 25 Lyttleton Street or 9 Halford St Castlemaine
- Community Development Administration Assistant on 5471 1744
Information Sessions will be held at the following locations and times:
- Maldon Neighbourhood Centre, at the corner Edward and Church Streets, 11 September 2012, 12noon – 1pm
- Ray Bradfield Room, Victory Park Castlemaine, 13 September 2012, 1pm – 2pm
- Ray Bradfield Room, Victory Park Castlemaine, 13 September 2012, 6.30pm – 7.30p
The following information relates to the Sustainability and Natural Environment Category of the Grants scheme.Aim
To support the implementation of Council’s Environment Strategy 2010-2014 thereby improving the sustainability and resilience of the natural and built environments of the Mount Alexander Shire.
Council’s Environment Strategy contains 44 objectives under the themes of:
- Climate change, greenhouse and energy
- Land and biodiversity
- Urban development, planning and sustainable transport
- Waste and resource efficiency
- Water
Proposals for funding under this category should identify which theme the project will address. Applications demonstrating relevance to a particular objective or particular objectives, particularly how the project will assist Council implement an objective or objectives, will be highly favoured. The Environment Strategy is available from www.mountalexander.vic.gov.au/environment.
Grant requests made under the Sustainability and Natural Environment category may range from $500 to $3000 (total amount $40,500). Only in exceptional circumstances will grant requests exceeding these amounts be approved.
Castlemaine Children’s Literature Festival
Posted on 4 September, 2012 by Connecting Country
Castlemaine Children’s Literature Festival will be held during the next school holidays (1–7 October). The week is packed with activities for all age-groups and Connecting Country will be presenting a session on Thursday 4 October between 10.30am and 12.30pm. The session is aimed at 7–10 year olds and will begin at Buda with a reading of Rachel Tonkin’s book, Leaf Litter. The group will then go to Kalimna Park for a treasure hunt. The cost is $12 and bookings are necessary. For further details about this session and the rest of the week’s activities click here for a Festival program.
Latest Edition of ‘chat’
Posted on 4 September, 2012 by Connecting Country
The North Central newsletter formerly known as Groundcover has been renamed North Central chat. The August edition includes information on the Winjallok celebration of 25 years of Landcare, the results of a recent national Landcare survey, and a summary of Australian Framework for Landcare which focusses on the future of the Landcare movement and achievements to date. There are also two articles on Connecting Country. The newsletter can be downloaded here.
The Yellow Box Fragmentation Project
Posted on 26 August, 2012 by Connecting Country
Earlier this year we published a post about a CSIRO research project which is designed to determine the genetic variability of Yellow Box across its range, and to analyse how fragmentation is affecting population and species resilience. We noted that the outcomes of this study could have many benefits for Connecting Country’s Yellow Box Woodland project.
An important element in the project is the involvement of members of the public, schools, NGOs and industry in collecting leaf and seed samples as well as some preliminary information about the sampled trees and their local environment.
A website has now been set up to record information about the sample collections. The site is not finished and there is more data to add but interested individuals can now register as users so that they can add their own information to the site. Connecting Country will keep people posted about the progress of this valuable project.
Draft Fire Operation Plan – Open for comments until 31 August
Posted on 24 August, 2012 by Connecting Country
DSE has released the draft Fire Operations Plan for consultation. The draft DSE Fire Operations Plan proposes several burns in our region in the next three years. Relevant maps, the draft plan and other associated details can be viewed at the DSE website (click here).
DSE are accepting submissions from the public until August 31 2012. Submissions can be emailed (dsemg.district@dse.vic.gov.au) or posted to:
Fire Management Officer
Murray Goldfields District, DSE
PO BOX 3100, Bendigo Delivery Centre 3554
Some other local organisations have already stated their positions regarding the proposed burns (e.g. see FOBIF website), while other organizations are considering their response (e.g. Elaine Bayes of the Fired Up Group can be contacted on elaine@australianecosystems.com.au).
The Connecting Country committee of management are meeting early next week, where our organization’s response to the fire plan will be considered.
26 August 2012 – Cactus Field Day
Posted on 24 August, 2012 by Connecting Country
The next Cactus Field Day is this Sunday 26th August. The Tarrengower Cactus Control Committee will be hosting it at a property on the Baringhup Road opposite its intersection with Hayes Road. As usual it will be clearly signposted and the day starts at 10.30 am. So rug up well and come along for a great morning in the fresh air as well as for a hot cuppa and sausage sizzle.
Connecting Country and Landcare in the Spotlight
Posted on 20 August, 2012 by Connecting Country
Landcare Australia Limited – the corporate arm of Landcare in Australia – use the slogan: ‘Everyone, everywhere, Landcare’. That has indeed proved the case in our Shire recently, with three important presentations made by Connecting Country to different audiences in the last two weeks.
The first was to the Victorian Minister for Environment & Climate Change, Ryan Smith, on a visit to a Yandoit grazing property undertaking a Connecting Country Yellow Box Woodland project. The visit was part of a wider tour of the North Central Catchment with our focus being on Landcare.
The state government supports Landcare through the Victorian State Landcare Team. It includes the ten Catchment Management Authority-based Landcare coordinators and the Department of Sustainability and Environment’s (DSE) Landcare team. It also funds the 68 new Local Landcare Facilitators (of which Connecting Country’s Landcare Facilitator is one) and administers the Victorian Landcare Gateway website.
Our presentation to the minister provided an overview of the Connecting Country project and the landscape restoration works that were set to occur on the property. We also highlighted the importance of government support to Landcare groups who want to be able to focus on their on-ground projects – rather than the ever-increasing paperwork.
The second presentation was to members of the Board and Natural Resource Management Committee (NRMC) of the North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA).
The CMA’s Regional Catchment Strategy is the umbrella plan under which Connecting Country’s Biodiversity Blueprint and individual group’s local action plans and projects sit. This tour was an opportunity to show the Board and NRMC a current Landcare project – Muckleford Landcare’s Chinaman Creek Valley Community Plan – and demonstrate how Connecting Country is working with Landcare groups to produce local action plans which will be used to guide future projects and attract funding to the area. The tour also visited another landholder in Welshman’s Reef who is being funded through the Yellow Box Woodland program. He was very enthusiastic about the inspiration and support Connecting Country has given him to enhance the biodiversity on his land.

Jarrod, Chris Max and Marie from Connecting Country with Brian Rebecchi on his property at Welshman's Reef
23 August 2012 – Community Engagement Policy and Framework
Posted on 20 August, 2012 by Connecting Country
Mount Alexander Shire Council has organised two meetings to discuss its recently developed Community Engagement Policy and Framework. Both sessions will be held on Thursday 23 August, with an afternoon session in Maldon and an evening session in Castlemaine. All interested members of the community are invited to attend. For further information please see attached invitation or contact Karen Evennett on 5471 1721.
20 August – Reference Group meeting
Posted on 20 August, 2012 by Connecting Country
Connecting Country has a Reference Group meeting from 7pm on 20 August 2012 at the Garden Room at the Buda Historic Homestead (42 Hunter St, Castlemaine). Registered members of the Reference Group and representatives of local Landcare groups are particularly encouraged, but other members and interested community members are also very welcome to attend. The theme of the evening is primarily around our two new projects, with a presentation by the respective project coordinators. There will also be an opportunity for landholders, groups and other community members to become involved and to provide their feedback and suggestions for the projects. Supper and drinks to be provided. See the agenda by clicking here.
New Program: Connecting Landscapes
Posted on 19 August, 2012 by Connecting Country
Calling all Landholders
Connecting Country is pleased to announce that it has been successful in obtaining funding from the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Future Biodiversity Fund to implement our new program, Connecting Landscapes across the Mount Alexander region.
This five year program will work with private landholders to create and enhance wildlife habitat connections between the large blocks of crown land forest that occur through the Mount Alexander Shire and immediate surrounds.
Connecting Country will establish its own on-ground works crew to help landholders undertake management activities on their properties, such as pest animal and plant control, protective fencing and supplementary plantings. Other aspects of the program to be implemented by Connecting Country will include community talks and field day events, flora and fauna monitoring and other related activities.
We are seeking expressions of interest for potential site projects with Landcare groups and private landholders that fit the funding guidelines. An Expression of Interest Form can be found here and full details about the project can be found here.
For further information or to get involved, contact the Project Manager, Jarrod Coote, on 5472 1594 or email jarrod@connectingcountry.org.au
Also information will be available at Connecting Country’s Reference Group meeting to be held on the evening of August 20th 2012.
Connecting Country Woodland Bird Monitoring – Winter 2012
Posted on 10 August, 2012 by Connecting Country
Connecting Country’s woodland bird monitoring is on again. Since 2010, bird surveys have been performed in winter and spring in over 50 locations across the Mount Alexander Shire region. As a result there have been confirmed records of rare and threatened birds. The good news is that with the new Woodland Birds Project, Connecting Country will be able to continue developing these bird data sets using expert knowledge, community engagement and participation.
Garry and Brenda Cheers, will be managing the Winter 2012 bird survey and landholders that have been involved in the past can expect a phone call from Garry soon to arrange access to previously sampled sites. A report on the progress and results of the bird monitoring will be available soon.
13 August – FOBIF’s AGM
Posted on 2 August, 2012 by Connecting Country
Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forest’s AGM will take place at Castlemaine Continuing Education Centre at 7.30 pm on Monday August 13.
The formal part of the meeting will be followed by a short talk by Damian Kelly on the challenges and rewards of bird photography. Readers of the FOBIF website will be familiar with Damian’s brilliant photos of local bird life, and he will illustrate his talk with some recent examples.
8 August 2012 – Celebrating 25 Years of Landcare
Posted on 2 August, 2012 by Connecting Country
Twenty-five years ago the Landcare movement was officially launched at Winjallok and next week the Winjallok Landcare group will be celebrating this event with a planting session. The day will begin at 9 am at the Paradise Hall, St Arnaud-Navarre Road, Paradise. Further details are in this flier.
29 July 2012 – Next Cactus Control Field Day
Posted on 25 July, 2012 by Connecting Country
The next Cactus Control field day with Parks Victoria is this Sunday 29th July. It will be held on a property near the corner of the Bridgewater-Maldon Road and Sandhills Lane. This is about one kilometre north of the intersection of the Bridgewater and Baringhup Roads. As usual it will be well signposted.
The starting time is 10.30 am and the day will wind up with the usual cuppa and sausage sizzle at lunchtime.
Green Thumbs Wanted for National Tree Day
Posted on 19 July, 2012 by Connecting Country
Sunday 29 July is National Tree Day and a number of planting events and barbeques have been organised by Landcare groups and other organisations across the Mount Alexander shire and immediate surrounds.
With so much of our local forests cleared or degraded, putting something back is a great thing to do – and every little plant helps. All sorts of plants will get put in the ground on National Tree Day – not just trees.
If you would like to participate in National Tree Day this year, click here to find out where a planting is taking place near you. Or contact Max Schlachter (Mount Alexander area Landcare Facilitator) for more information on 5472 1594.
Register Now for Volunteer Training
Posted on 11 July, 2012 by Connecting Country
Mount Alexander Volunteer Network is conducting a six month program of volunteer training to support community groups and NFP organisations throughout our Shire.
The training will include first aid qualifications, governance training, effective communication, food safety training, conflict resolution and how to avoid burn-out as a volunteer. The training will be subsidised by the Mount Alexander Shire Council and the cost to individuals will be only $10.
If you would like to register or find out more, contact the Mount Alexander Volunteer Network on 0425 323 005 or emailmavn@cch.org.au.
Future Management of Barkers Creek
Posted on 10 July, 2012 by Connecting Country
Over 40 members of the Barkers Creek, Harcourt and North Harcourt communities met in the Harcourt ANA Hall on June 28. The purpose of the meeting was to find out what is important to the local community about Barkers Creek and discuss the future management of the creek.
The evening started with delicious soup, bread and muffins provided by CAKE (Castlemaine Abundance Kitchen Enterprise). A short presentation about Barkers Creek outlined some of the assets and the threats impacting on the creek, and then attendees were split into three groups to identify what they thought was important along their stretch of the creek
Barkers Creek Project Officer Michael Luke says “We were thrilled at the big turnout for the community workshop. It was a fantastic evening and we ended up with around 25 ideas which will be used in the development of the Barkers Creek Local Action Plan”.
The Local Action Plan will help to plan the three local Landcare groups’ activities into the future, and also to assist in applying for grants and future funding opportunities.
For more information about the project, email michael@connectingcountry.org.au or call 5472 1594. If you are a landholder along the creek and have not contacted us – please get in touch.