Connecting Country’s Draft Strategic Plan – now open for comment
Posted on 10 September, 2014 by Connecting Country
In our earliest years (2007-08), Connecting Country developed its Biodiversity Blueprint to document the health of the local landscape and to guide our activities during our formative years. Since then, Connecting Country has grown rapidly as an organisation. There is more knowledge about the environmental threats and opportunities in the local area. New issues have also arisen that were not considered in the original Blueprint. As such, we identified the need to reconsider the role of Connecting Country. Over the past six months, staff, committee members and advisory groups have been working together to develop a draft 10-year Strategic Plan to capture and refine this information and, ultimately, set the direction for the organisation over the next 10 years.
The draft Strategic Plan outlines our vision and mission and the objectives and strategies for our four focus areas (see diagram). It will be used by the committee and staff in a variety of ways, including in the development of projects and application for grants. It will also be a public document that describes and promotes what Connecting Country does, and how we plan to continue into the future. A copy of the draft plan is available for downloading (click here for 1MB PDF version or contact us if you’d prefer a Word version).
We would love to receive your thoughts, feedback and suggestions on this draft plan. Are we on the right track? Are we missing something important? Are there bits that are unclear? If possible, we would like your feedback by 28 September 2014. For enquiries and feedback contact Krista Patterson-Majoor by email: or telephone: 5472 1594 (available Mondays).
Connecting Country would like to thank all those who have already contributed to the draft plan. It is intended that the completed plan shall be launched at our AGM on the 14th of October.
An Afternoon Spent in an Aboriginal Landscape
Posted on 9 September, 2014 by Connecting Country
This article is about the Baynton Sidonia Landcare group’s Aboriginal Landscapes seminar that took place on Sunday 24th August 2014.
Sixty-five lucky people (as half that number again had to be turned away) spent six hours immersed in Aboriginal life as it was practiced in the Baynton Sidonia area up until just 180 years ago.
The seminar began with Trish Terry of the Taungurung Clans Association welcoming participants to Country and explaining why she is qualified to welcome us to Country and what the welcome means.
Participants then experienced two outdoors workshops. In one, Tandy Annusheit told Dreamtime stories in the Taungurung language to a rapt audience, with Waa (the Raven) joining in occasionally in real time. It was extraordinarily moving to hear the mellifluous sounds of the language being spoken, probably for the first time in almost two centuries, at that spot.
The other workshop was led by Rodney Monk who is passionate about the preservation of local artifacts including clay heat balls and ovens to scar trees and rock quarry sites. He entertained and educated his audience so they gained a much wider appreciation of the kind of artifacts that still await “discovery” and preservation. He both thrilled and challenged his audience by saying to them that his culture is now the wider Australian community’s culture and as such requires effort, commitment and resources for conservation.
Trish Terry led a session titled “Cultural Landscapes” and in a very short time gave participants several new perspectives. One of these was that the landscape is culture: landscape does not just happen to be the way it is now. It was shaped by Aboriginal people, and that shaping, almost two centuries on, is still clearly visible and used by us today.
12 Sept 2014 – Egg and Bacon plants of Castlemaine
Posted on 8 September, 2014 by Connecting Country
If you do a Google search on ‘Castlemaine’ and ‘bacon’, at least the first 10 pages of results are all references to the KR Castlemaine business (AKA – the ‘Baco’). Yet the local area has many native pea shrubs – with the distinctive ‘egg and bacon’ flowers. A walk through the local bushland at this time of year is a sea of oranges, yellows, reds and browns.
The guest speaker at the September Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club (CFNC) general meeting is local ecologist Ern Perkins. Ern’s talk will be on the pea-flowered plants, with particular reference to some of the local peas, and especially the ‘egg and bacon’ plants. The peas are beautiful, important to the bushland ecology, and make great garden plants. The talk will be held at the Fellowship room in the building behind the Uniting Church in Castlemaine (Lyttleton St, next to the Art Gallery) from 7.30pm on Friday 12 Sept. Members and visitors are all welcome – and entry is free.
There is also an excursion to ‘Humboldt’ on the Saturday following the talk (13 Sept), which will also be led by Ern. Humboldt is a hot spot for some significant pea plants. The walk will be for about a kilometre. Meet at the Octopus building on Duke St (opposite the Castle Motel). Exact departure time to be confirmed at the Friday evening meeting – but probably 1.30pm.
Talking Landcare in the Midland Express
Posted on 3 September, 2014 by Connecting Country
Have you read the Midland Express this week?
Mount Alexander Region Landcare groups got a big boost this week with the publication of a full 2-page spread in the Midland Express newspaper called ‘Talking Landcare’ (see pages 32 and 33 in the 2 Sept 2014 edition).
The articles demonstrate the vibrancy of the local Landcare movement, and will hopefully generate some more interest and new members. Thank you to all of the groups that contributed ideas and content at the July 2014 Landcare Link-up event.
And a big thank you to Newstead Natives, Regional Vic Farm Services, Rewells Mower Service, Maine Environmental Services, Pyrenees Quarries and SureGro for their advertising support which made the Landcare feature possible.
Make sure you get your hands on a copy of Express this week to check it out!
Sept–Oct 2014 – ‘Spring into Nature’ events from TFN
Posted on 2 September, 2014 by Connecting Country
‘Spring into Nature’, is an event series organised by Trust for Nature. Trust for Nature is a not-for-profit conservation organisation that has developed unique ways to permanently protect remnant vegetation on private land.
Trust for Nature is inviting the general public to experience some of the most remarkable environmental conservation properties in Victoria, each offering a special sanctuary to native flora and fauna in need of protection. People will have the opportunity to chat with landowners who have permanently protected their properties, enjoy guided walks and talks, and learn about practical land management techniques that help protect precious wildlife.
There are nine events throughout Victoria this September and October. The North Central Victoria event will be held on 9 September in Kotta which is south-west of Echuca and an hour and 15 minutes from Bendigo.
A list of all events, dates and details can be found on the Trust for Nature website and the Spring into Nature brochure can be found here.
15 Sept 2014 – School concert about Forest Creek
Posted on 2 September, 2014 by Connecting Country
Castlemaine Primary School and Chewton Primary School are producing a school concert entitled Still Waters. It is the story of Forest Creek told by all the students from both schools.
The story will cover the geological history, the aboriginal heritage, the gold mining era, and finally the regeneration and revegetation along the creek. The Brush-tailed Phascogale will be a main character throughout the show, beautifully representing the success of on-going environmental restoration along the creek.
The concert will be held at the Capital Theatre, in Bendigo on the evening of Monday 15th September. Time and booking arrangements are yet to be confirmed and will be posted on this website as soon as they are available.
This concert follows a strong focus in recent times on the regeneration of Forest Creek by a number of local Landcare groups (Chewton LC, Castlemaine LC and Golden Point LC) and Connecting Country. The Connecting Country report Forest Creek Action Plan can be downloaded here.
14 Sept 2014 – Victoria: before & (just) after European colonisation
Posted on 2 September, 2014 by Connecting Country
On Sunday 14 September, Eliza Tree is giving a presentation entitled:
‘Australia Felix, or Indigenous Cultural Landscape, Jaara country, before the goldrush & William von Blandowski: Insights from an outsider’.
Eliza Tree is a well-known local artist and historian who has undertaken research on Victoria prior the Gold Rush with particular reference to Indigenous culture and Major Mitchell’s 1836 expedition. Details of the afternoon event which will take place in Harcourt can be found here. While most people have heard at least a little about Major Mitchell and his explorations, William von Blandowski is little known and his contributions under-appreciated. He was one of Victoria’s first scientists, and led an expedition in 1857 from Melbourne to the Murray River. Continue Reading »
6 September 2014 – Do you have a head-scratching plant?
Posted on 28 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
Do you have a head-scratching plant on your place?
That’s a plant which looks like it might be a weed – but you’re not sure. And you don’t want to pull it out in case it’s a nice friendly native – but you don’t want to leave it there if it’s a going to take over the place in a couple of years!

Often we want to know what a plant is when it is still very small and easy to control – like these Cape Broom (Genista monspessullana) seedlings coming up in a Castlemaine garden.
If that scenario sounds familiar to you, then ‘Landcare in The Library’ can help! On Saturday 6th September there will be a ‘Weed or Native?’ plant identification drop-in session in the Castlemaine Library foyer between 10am and 2pm.
Experienced local botanists Paul Foreman, Ern Perkins, Bonnie Humphries & Karl Just will be on hand during the session to help solve your mystery plant woes. Just bring along some sample leaves/flowers/fruits from the plant you want identified. Alternatively you could bring some photographs of the plant.
Remember, if you don’t know what it is then it could be a native so don’t pull out the whole plant – samples are good! And if it’s an orchid you would like identified, just take some photos as they’re too vulnerable to be damaged.
While you’re there you can have a look at the range of botanical resources available at the library to help you in the future. There will also be free local flora guides, weed guides and other resources to take way.
Contact: Max Schlachter – 5472 1594 or
Mount Alexander Shire Community Grants
Posted on 27 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
Each year Mount Alexander Shire Council allocates funding to support a range of local community-based projects and initiatives through the Strengthening Our Community Grants Scheme. The funding round for the 2014-2015 financial year opened on 22 August 2014, with applications closing on Friday 26 September 2014 at 4pm.
There is a Sustainability & Natural Environment category as part of the grants scheme. In this category there are grants up to $3000. Applicants are asked to address one or more of the following themes:
- Climate change, greenhouse & energy
- Land & biodiversity
- Urban development, planning & sustainable transport
- Waste & resource efficiency
- Water
The Council’s Environment Strategy Action Plan (4.6MB download) sets out specific objectives against the above themes.
More information and the application form can be found on the MAS website.
31 Aug 2014 – Cactus Control Field Day
Posted on 27 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
The Cactus Group’s next Field Day will be held next Sunday 31st August 2014. It will take place in Goughs Range Road south of Maldon, starting as usual at 10.30 am. The way to the site will be signposted from the corner of the Maldon-Newstead Road and Goughs Range Road. A map showing the location can be downloaded here.
For further information ring Tony Kane on (03) 5475 2973.
Crown Water Frontage Licences
Posted on 27 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
We have become aware that the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) are now renewing crown water frontage licences across Victoria. Licence holders should receive a letter and information package from DEPI soon. This letter is being sent to around 10,000 licence holders across Victoria.
The following information has been provided by DEPI regarding the licence renewal process – which makes for an interesting read about how these areas are managed, irrespective of whether you have property with water frontage or not. If this is relevant to you and you’d like further information, you can contact the DEPI Customer Service Centre 136 186 or visit the DEPI website . Continue Reading »
Birdwatchers aplenty at the Castlemaine Botanic Gardens
Posted on 26 August, 2014 by Tanya Loos
The Castlemaine Botanic Gardens has been all aflutter with burgeoning birdwatchers this month! A Beginners Workshop was held on the 2nd August 2014, followed by an Intermediate Birdwatching Skills Workshop on the 16th.
The workshops were presented by Tanya Loos, Habitat for Bush Birds Project Coordinator and Geoff Park, bird photographer and naturalist from the Natural Newstead blog. Both keen birders, it was interesting to note that the key messages of both workshops were quite similar!
- Get yourself at least one field guide to the Birds of Australia (The ‘Pizzey and Knight’ was the preference of the presenters, but they also acknowledged that the others were also very useful – Simpson and Day; Slater; Morcombe).
- Use the field guide and observations in your local area to get to know the features of the main woodland bird families (groupings) such as thornbills, whistlers and robins.
- Use your field guide to nut out key features such as field marks and behaviour. Field marks are the particular feather patterns, coloration, size, shape, bill structure, etc that help us distinguish closely related groups of birds.
- Knowing what are our typical local species also helps. It narrows down the range of possibilities for a new unknown bird that you have seen or heard.
Write-ups and photos of the workshops, and a list of resources are available: Beginners Birdwatching and Intermediate Skills.
It was really inspiring and heartwarming to see how everyone is keen as mustard to get out in the field and enjoy birdwatching, and bird monitoring. To this end, a Community Bird Monitoring Kit is in preparation. This kit will have a list of local bird species and families, a how-to guide on bird monitoring, an Excel data-recording template for those of you who are computer-orientated, and hard copy data-sheets as well. Coming soon!
Update on the Green Army programme
Posted on 20 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
On 2 August 2014, the Federal Government announced that the Green Army is ‘open for business‘. Successful Project Sponsors were announced, as were the successful applicants to become Service Providers. They have also put a call out for young people (aged 17 to 24) to join a Green Army team. The details are available on the Green Army website (click here).
Connecting Country shared community concerns about some elements of the Green Army program and decided not to seek funding in the first round but will instead wait and see how the program develops.
Some of the projects announced in Round 1 are in the North Central catchment area (click here to see the full list). The nearest to the Mount Alexander Region is the Bald Hill Conservation Project near Kyneton (with the Macedon Ranges Shire Council being the project sponsor).
24th Aug 2014 – Aboriginal Landscapes of the Baynton and Sidonia districts
Posted on 15 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
On Sunday 24th August the people of Baynton, Sidonia and surrounding districts are being offered a rare opportunity to learn about how Aboriginal people lived in the area up until 180 years ago.
Baynton Sidonia Landcare group is holding a seminar titled “Aboriginal Landscapes” and is delighted that some members of the Taungurung Clans Aboriginal Corporation (TCAC), who are Traditional Owners of this part of Victoria, will be offering some Aboriginal cultural workshops. Dr Gerry Gill, formerly of La Trobe University, Bendigo, will also give an illustrated talk and show a film he has recently made.
The Seminar will run from 2 pm to 8 pm on Sunday 24th August at the Baynton Hall, Darlington Road, Baynton. Participants are advised to wear warm clothes as some sessions will take place in a marquee. The Seminar is free and refreshments (including dinner) are provided.
Booking is essential, as places are limited, by phoning Clare on 54 234 152 or emailing
Ms Trish Terry, Country and Community Strategic Initiatives Coordinator with the TCAC, said, “We are so pleased to be working with a Landcare group like the Baynton Sidonia group. People in the community are becoming increasingly interested in and curious about Aboriginal cultural heritage and it is great when a Landcare group acts as a conduit for that information to get out into the community. We look forward to working with them on future projects.”
After a Welcome to Country, members of the Taungurung Clans will run workshops on Stone Tool Making and Story Telling. Continue Reading »
24th August 2014 – Direct Seeding Workshop in Campbells Creek
Posted on 14 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
The Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare group would like to invite landholders interested others to participate in an information day on direct seeding techniques on Sunday 24th August, 2014.
The day’s activities will be a demonstration of the advantages of direct seeding of native plant species. It will be a great opportunity for land owners looking for an economical way to restore native vegetation on their properties.
The workshop will be presented by experienced local direct seeding experts Ian Higgins & David Milsom.
Two methods will be demonstrated to attendees. A manual technique ideal for small scale applications. Also, a mechanical method suited to any large scale revegetation project.
Demonstrations start at 10.00am and go through the morning until 12 noon.
Demonstration site location: 250 metres South of the end of Lewis Drive, Castlemaine. Follow the signs along the walking/cycling trail. Parking available.
A light lunch will be supplied for attendees.
Welcome new CC committee members
Posted on 12 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
At the July 2014 Connecting Country committee meeting, two applicants were endorsed as new members of the committee – Saide Gray and Malcolm Trainor. Both have been long-term supporters of Connecting Country, and also regular attendees at our talks and field days. Welcome and thank you!
A summary of the backgrounds of these two new committee members, and also summaries for the rest of the committee, is available on the CC website (click here).
The current committee continues through until the Annual General Meeting, which is to be held in early-mid October 2014 (more details to follow soon).
Saide and Malcolm have replaced Maurie Dynon and Lynne Josephs, who both tendered their resignations from the committee for family reasons. Thank you to both Maurie and Lynne for their contributions – and particularly Maurie who was one of the founding committee members of Connecting Country back in 2008-09, and has been a significant contributor to the organisation ever since. Maurie will maintain a link with Connecting Country through his tireless work with the Guildford Upper Loddon Landcare group.
2014 Communities for Nature Funding Opportunity now open
Posted on 11 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
The Victorian Government has launched the 2014 Communities for Nature Small to Medium Grants funding opportunity. The grants aim to support practical action by community groups, schools, and volunteer organisations to deliver measurable environmental outcomes through on-ground works.
The Funding Opportunity will provide $3 million to community groups seeking one year grants of up to $50,000 (GST inclusive). Projects that will be completed by 31 December 2015 are eligible for funding.
Applications can be submitted online up until 4.00pm Monday 1st September 2014.
More information can be found on the DEPI website You can also contact the Grants Information Line on 1300 366 356 between 8.30am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday.
New edition of ‘chat’
Posted on 11 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
The July 2014 edition of the North Central CMA publication ‘chat‘ is now available and can be downloaded here. The issue includes highlights of the forthcoming 2014 National Landcare Conference and information on courses, resources and funding opportunities.
Our woodland bird surveys – what are we finding?
Posted on 7 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
Our resident bird expert, Tanya Loos, is midway through Connecting Country’s 2014 Winter bird surveys. She is monitoring 50 sites that are located on public and private land throughout the Mount Alexander Region. Some are within ‘intact’ woodland, some are in woodland restoration areas (e.g. re-planting areas) and some are in lightly treed farm paddocks.
Annually, the 50 sites are visited twice in Winter and twice in Spring. Each site covers two hectares, and all birds seen or heard within this area over a 20 minute period are documented. By the end of August 2014, we will have completed four years of bird monitoring across these sites. Many thanks to the landholders that have allowed us to undertake these surveys on their properties.
During the 2013 surveys, 104 bird species were documented – six of which had not been recorded during the previous years of survey (including three species flying overhead – Great Cormorant, Little Black Cormorant, Straw-necked Ibis; and three using habitats within the sites – Black Kite, Tawny Frogmouth, Banded Lapwing). Click here for a list of all bird species detected so far. Many specialised woodland-dependent species have been recorded, although none are considered to be particularly common.
Last year, Connecting Country staff comprehensively analysed the data collected from our 2011 and 2012 bird surveys. A copy of the full final report is available (click here), or alternatively, shorter summaries of the main findings are also available (click here and here).
Keep your eyes and ears open for the imminent launch of Connecting Country’s new ‘citizen-science’ bird monitoring program that everyone can get involved with. A local bird and habitat identification guide is also to be released in the near future.
2014 National Landcare People’s Choice Award
Posted on 5 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
It’s up to the public to decide who will be this year’s National Landcare People’s Choice Award winner. There are sixty-nine finalists across nine diverse categories. Have your say by voting for the nomination you believe represents the most outstanding contributions to Landcare. Click here to find out more information about the finalists and how to vote.
The Norman Wettenhall Foundation – a very strong supporter of Connecting Country since its inception – has been nominated for an award in the Partnership for Landcare section. This is the first time that a philanthropic organisation has been nominated for this national award. This is an opportunity for the public to promote the relationship between Landcare and philanthropy, and we encourage voting for the NWF.