Merry Xmas from Connecting Country
Posted on 24 December, 2014 by Connecting Country
Best wishes to all of Connecting Country’s members, supporters and other interested people. Thank you all for your encouragement, ideas and contributions to our organisation’s Landscape Restoration activities during 2014.
We hope that you all have a relaxing and enjoyable time over the Christmas – New year period, and we look forward to your involvement again in 2015. We’ve got a big year planned, with lots of exciting and informative events and activities to get involved with. Bird-watching, phascogale surveys, workshops and other education forums, tree-planting, Landcare activities and more.
The Connecting Country office will be closed from the afternoon of Wednesday 24 December 2014 and will re-open on the morning of Monday 5 January 2015.
Bill Gammage to Launch 2015 Workshop Program
Posted on 24 December, 2014 by Connecting Country
Historian, award winning author and adjunct professor in the Humanities Research Centre at the Australian National University (ANU), Professor Bill Gammage will launch the 2015 Connecting Country Workshop series on Sunday February 22, 2015 at the Castlemaine Golf Club (in the clubrooms, near the corner of Rilens Rd and Pyrenees Hwy, Muckleford).
Bill’s most recent book, ‘The Biggest Estate on Earth. How Aborigines made Australia’ won several prizes for history and literature when it was published in 2011 and pieces together details of land management strategies from around Australia, stating that Aboriginal people managed the land in a far more complete, systematic and scientific way than has often been recognised. He challenges the myths that Aboriginal people were careless nomads and that the pre-colonial ecology was purely ’natural’. Based on his research findings from around Australia, Bill will talk about how our knowledge and learnings of the past can inform current land management.
‘The Biggest Estate’ raised plenty of discussion and debate amongst scientists when it was published and this is an opportunity to hear first-hand of Bill’s historical perspective. You can view an earlier video of Bill discussing his book here. Download the launch flyer and spread the word.
Bill Gammage grew up in Wagga, and was an ANU undergraduate and postgraduate before teaching history at the Universities of Papua New Guinea and Adelaide. He wrote The Broken Years on Australian soldiers in the Great War (1974), Narrandera Shire (1986), The Sky Travellers on the 1938-39 Hagen-Sepik Patrol in New Guinea (1998), and The Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines made Australia (2011). He served the National Museum of Australia for three years as Council member, deputy chair and acting chair. He was made a Freeman of the Shire of Narrandera in 1987, a fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences in 1991, and a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2005.
The launch will begin at 4:00pm and be followed by a BBQ dinner to celebrate the start of Connecting Country’s ‘Working with Nature to Improve Your Property’ Workshop Program for 2015, supported through funding from the Australian Government. This year’s program is aimed at property holders in the Mount Alexander region who are seeking information, resources and practical skills to improve, protect and restore their land. More information will be available on the evening.
There is no cost to attend the event. RSVPs are not essential, but are greatly preferred for catering purposes. Contact Janet on 5472 1594 or for more info or to book.
TFN appeal to save the Long Swamp
Posted on 24 December, 2014 by Connecting Country
Trust for Nature (TFN) has launched an appeal to protect the Long Swamp wetland which stretches almost 200 ha on the Moolort Plains, east of Maryborough. Long Swamp was once the jewel in the crown of the Moolort Plains wetland system, the only Deep Freshwater Marsh in the region. The area is of crucial importance in providing habitat for a small and dwindling population of Brolgas.
There is currently a unique opportunity to restore the Long Swamp because two of the other three landowners that own land on which Swamp is located have expressed interest in selling. TFN:
‘This is exciting news – there is an opportunity to permanently protect more than 90% of the wetland. Funding has been sourced from government and philanthropic sources, with a brand-new major donor contributing a substantial sum Trust for Nature is now an estimated 70% of the way to having the funds to purchase and restore this unique and precious wetland.’
To find out more about the appeal and how to donate, click here.
More information about the Moolort Plains can be found in Geoff Park’s blog where there are many posts about the birdlife and natural features of these wetlands.
Connecting Country gets birdy on Annual Bird Count Weekend
Posted on 11 December, 2014 by Connecting Country
The Annual Bird Count has been a Castlemaine Field Naturalist Club event held on the first weekend in December for some fifteen years, and in the last few years Connecting country staff and members have participated as well. The weekend of the 6 and 7th of December 2014 saw two teams of bird enthusiasts from Connecting Country scouring the Mount Alexander region for our feathered friends. One team was led by myself (Tanya Loos) and Doug Ralph, and we visited the Fryerstown forests on Saturday. Another team was led by Chris Timewell to the Baringhup and Nuggetty area on the Sunday.
Doug is a passionate advocate for the forests of the Fryerstown area, in particular a special patch which is coursed through by Columbine Creek. Here, our group wound our way slowly along the creek for a few hours, admiring the beautiful old trees and the wonderful intact understory. We saw Blue Pincushions in flower! They are all dried up elsewhere in the region.
Bird-wise we faced some tough conditions, with strong winds making bird movement and sounds tricky to pick up. We saw plenty of Musk Lorikeets, and good views of Olive-backed Orioles.
The bird of the day was a Leaden Flycatcher, fluttering and foraging in cassinia shrubs. Leaden Flycatchers are an uncommon visior to the region – for pics and information on this lovely bird, go to the Natural Newstead site (click here).
It’s not all about birds though! We were also delighted to see thriving populations of a blue butterfly known as the Imperial Hairstreak. This butterfly has a special relationship with ants – the ants protect the caterpillar and pupae, in exchange for the sugary exudate from the caterpillars. Jane Mitchell took these lovely photos, and for more on this species see the Castlemaine Field Nats website (click here).

Imperial Hairstreak on a Daphne Heath (left); Imperial Hairstreak on a Wirilda- the pupae and ant activity was observed on this type of wattle (right)
Our group saw 14 species of bird during our foray into one of the hidden gems of the region. Many thanks to Doug for showing us this special and presently unprotected spot. A copy of our completed datasheet – using the Connecting Country Birdwatcher’s Monitoring Kit – can be viewed here.
Chris and his small team made a day of it, and visited five sites including bushland in Baringhup and the Nuggettys, the Loddon River, and Cairn Curran. An impressive sixty-four bird species were recorded (click here to see the completed datasheet). The highlights were a pair of White-backed Swallows on the northern side of Baringhup (a species rarely seen in the region), as well as White-fronted Chats, a Rainbow Bee-eater, three Caspian Terns, Chestnut Teals and a pair of Sacred Kingfishers. Kerrie Jennings captured a wonderful portrait of a Whistling Kite near Cairn Curran.
New edition of ‘chat’ – Nov-Dec 2014
Posted on 11 December, 2014 by Connecting Country
The November/December 2014 edition of the North Central CMA publication ‘chat’ is now available and can be viewed by clicking on the link on this webpage. This issue has a list of 2014-15 Victorian Landcare Grant recipients as well as the usual roundup of local events, resources and funding opportunities.
Golden times in the sun (with slideshow)
Posted on 5 December, 2014 by Connecting Country
One of the most threatened species to occur in the Mount Alexander shire and surrounds is the Golden Sun Moth (Synemon plana). This day-flying moth is considered to be ‘critically endangered’ on Federal legislation and ‘threatened‘ on state legislation. Its preferred habitat is native grasslands and grassy woodlands, but it is also occasionally seen flying over agricultural paddocks that still contain a good cover of native grasses – particularly wallaby grass (Austrodanthonia spp.).
This moth has an unusual life history – the full details of which are still being discovered. The adult female moth rarely, if ever, flies. Instead, she will mostly perch on the bare ground between grass tussocks on warm-to-hot days during the months of November to January, displaying her golden-coloured hind wings. The male moths (which have reddish-coloured hind wings) fly low over the sparse grassy vegetation, on the look-out for the female moths. After mating, it is believed that the female lays her eggs near the base of grass tussocks. The larvae then emerge from the eggs, and burrow down into the soil to feed; maybe on the roots of the grasses – or perhaps they feed on the mycorrhizal fungi that grows on the roots. After one or more years underground feeding, the larvae then pupate and emerge as adults moths to begin the cycle again. The adult moths have no mouthparts at all – and as such they only live for a maximum of 3-4 days after emerging, which is as long as their stored energy allows.
The adults moths will also often emerge en masse. It is suspected that this is part of a strategy to overwhelm predators such as spiders and robber flies. Certainly for these predators, the annual emergence of Golden Sun Moths represents a major feeding opportunity.
Adult Golden Sun Moths have been seen in Walmer, Barkers Creek and Taradale over the past couple of weeks by Connecting Country staff member Chris. Last season they were also seen near Castlemaine, Sandon and Sutton Grange.
A local landholder to the north of Castlemaine provided Connecting Country with the following incredible series of photos of adult moths that she took from her property last summer (2013-14).
Linking Mount Alexander to Metcalfe
Posted on 3 December, 2014 by Connecting Country
Connecting Country has recently been successful in securing funding from the Victorian Government’s Community for Nature program for a new project that focuses on enhancing vegetation habitat linkages between two priority Woodland Bird habitat areas; the Mount Alexander Regional Park and Metcalfe Conservation Reserve.
For this new project, Connecting Country hopes to work with the Metcalfe and Sutton Grange Landcare Groups, BirdLife Australia, government agencies and private landholders to enhance existing habitat links and create new links through the Metcalfe and Sutton Grange areas and surrounds. We have funding to support the building of protective fencing, direct seeding of native trees and shrubs, and weed and rabbit control across an area of up to 15 hectares in total. A public talk by an bird expert is also to be coordinated as part of the project.
Fifteen hectares is a good start, and we see it as the first stage in assisting the ‘feathered five’ and other animals species move more easily between these important woodland habitats. More information and an expression of interest form for any landholders interested in being part of this exciting new project, is available here.
Woodland Bird Brochure launch next Monday (8 Dec)
Posted on 2 December, 2014 by Tanya Loos
It has been a couple of years in the making…
Connecting Country are thrilled to announce that the “Woodland Birds of Central Victoria” brochure is printed and ready to be released into the world.
When: Monday, December 8th 2014 from 5.30pm until about 6.30pm
Where: In the Hub garden, on corner of Barker St and Templeton St (enter via gate on Templeton St)
RSVPs are preferred as we will be supplying drinks and nibbles. RSVP to me, Tanya Loos, on 5472 1594 or
The brochure was initially developed by past Connecting Country Woodland Bird Coordinator Kerryn Herman and a team of local naturalists and photographers. As part of my role of Habitat for Bush Birds Coordinator – I re-ignited the project and added in information on our focal woodland bird species, the feathered five; Diamond Firetail, Hooded Robin, Painted Button-quail, Jacky Winter and Brown Treecreeper. The subtitle of the brochure is “An identification and habitat management guide” because the birds are ordered into the particular kind of woodland bird habitat we might expect to see them in.
Geoff Park – well known for numerous local biodiversity activities, including his popular Natural Newstead website – is one who has generously contributed photographs to the brochure. He has also kindly agreed to speak at the launch about the brochure and its value – and of course, about our woodland birds!
We hope that landowners, landcare groups, schools and budding bird enthusiasts enjoy the Woodland Birds of Central Victoria brochure. One free copy of the brochure will be available on the day for each attendee, with a gold coin donation for any additional copies. All funds raised will go towards future reprints of the brochure. And for those of you looking for nature-orientated Christmas gifts, copies of Friends of Box-Ironbark’s Mosses of dry forests of south eastern Australia and Tanya’s book Daylesford Nature Diary will be available for purchase.
Photographs and guidance for the brochure were provided by Nigel Harland, Damian Kelly, Greg and Jeanette License, Geoff Park, Chris Tzaros, Debbie Worland, Beth Mellick, Brendan Sydes and Ern Perkins. Support for the brochure project came from the Victorian Government’s Communities for Nature program and from generous private donations to Connecting Country.

This photograph of a Weebill, a species often found within regenerating woodland habitat, was taken by Chris Tzaros.
An internationally recognised IBA in our midst
Posted on 26 November, 2014 by Connecting Country
Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) are sites of global bird importance, and are considered to be critical for bird conservation. A few years ago, BirdLife Australia identified approximately 300 IBAs across the Australian territories, each of which had to meet at least one of four strict criteria.
In Connecting Country’s area of interest, four local patches of habitat were included in 2009 as part of the Bendigo Box Ironbark IBA. These are the Muckleford forest; forest within mostly privately owned land in Strangways (but also encompassing the Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve); the Sandon Forest; and the Pilchers Bridge Nature Conservation Reserve. These locations also encompass 4 of the 11 local priority areas within Connecting Country’s Woodland Bird Action Plan.
This Bendigo Box Ironbark area was considered to be an IBA on the basis of it being an internationally important site for the Flame Robin, Diamond Firetail and Swift Parrot. The Diamond Firetail is one of Connecting Country’s ‘feathered five’ bird species.
Click on the map to see the location of all Australia IBAs.
At the same time as the G20 meeting in Brisbane was recently being held, Sydney was hosting the World Parks Conference. At this meeting, Samantha Vine from BirdLife Australia gave a presentation which identified five Australian IBAs that were ‘in danger’ and another 14 with ‘very high’ threat levels (click here and here for more information). Thankfully, the Bendigo Box-Ironbark IBA was not one of these considered at imminent risk of major bird losses.
But, this doesn’t mean we should be complacent about our local bird habitat areas. Over the coming months and years, Connecting Country will continue to support landholders and Landcare groups to undertake on-ground habitat improvement works and biodiversity monitoring within these and other locations across the greater Mount Alexander region.
30 November 2014 – Final Cactus Field Day
Posted on 26 November, 2014 by Connecting Country
The final Cactus Field Day will take place this Sunday, 30 November, in Seers Road Welshmans Reef south of Maldon. The Tarrengower Cactus Control Group will also be holding its AGM at this field day. All are welcome to attend. So come along and help the group finish a great year’s work with another successful day. Further details are in this flyer.
Connecting Country’s New Look Website
Posted on 24 November, 2014 by Connecting Country
Visit the Connecting Country website today ( and you’ll notice we’ve got a ‘new look’.
Connecting Country’s website has been relatively unchanged since the early days. Thanks to a grant from the Norman Wettenhall Foundation we’ve upgraded the site to make it more relevant and easier to navigate.
Our new home page now provides clear links to direct users to pages covering news and events, about, learning and resources, on ground works, monitoring, and landcare. Our blog posts and the useful calendar are now located on the ‘news and events’ page. Links to recent blogs are also available along the right hand side of the home page.
In particular, a main focus of the upgrade is to provide a space where local landholders and community can learn more about their property and the local landscape, and ways in which it’s values can be managed and monitored. In our new ‘learning and resources’ pages we’ve gathered the latest information on landscape restoration. The resources are provided in a step-by-step process that can be followed and implemented at home. This section also includes our annual education program with summaries of past events and links to the resources used.
Our website and, in particular, the ‘learning and resources’ pages is a work in progress and will constantly be updated and reviewed. We welcome your feedback and suggestions on content, and please feel free to send any comments or useful resources you’d like to share to
9 Dec 2014 – Webinar about funding
Posted on 24 November, 2014 by Connecting Country
The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) is holding a free ‘Webinar’ about where and how community organisations can successfully seek funding. (A webinar is a service that allows conferencing events to be shared with remote locations.) On the day there will be a number of expert speakers and participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.
This is the second in a series of webinars developed by FRRR, with the support of the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, as part of the Creating Inspiring Rural Community Leadership and Engagement (CIRCLE) program.
Click here to view a flyer which includes more information about the Webinar, registration details and links to introductory videos that are designed to help people applying for grants.
24 Nov 2014 – CSIRO Scientist in Campbells Creek
Posted on 17 November, 2014 by Connecting Country
The Friends of Campbell’s Creek Landcare Group are sponsoring a presentation by Dr Linda Broadhurst, a senior C.S.I.R.O plant geneticist. Linda has spent many years researching genetic diversity in native vegetation to ensure the best seed is selected for revegetation.
Topics will include provenance, the genetic variation inside species, how local is local and why does this matter in revegetation, and the Silver Banksia seed production area project.
Linda is team leader for modelling the effects of climate change on native vegetation in the Murray Darling Basin. Preliminary results do not look good for several species including the honey producing Yellow Box tree. You may remember that she was seeking Yellow Box genetic samples from the central Victorian area back in early 2012 (click here to see 2012 blog).
Dr. Broadhurst is an excellent communicator who makes complicated science accessible to all. Anyone with an interest in native vegetation, genetics or climate modelling is invited to attend what will be a fascinating and informative presentation.
Dr Broadhurst’s talk will be at Campbell’s Creek Community Centre on 24th November at 7.30pm. Contact Steve Ellis on 5472-3678 for more info.
An AGM, a doco and a call for an EOI!
Posted on 14 November, 2014 by Connecting Country
Thank you to everyone that attended and contributed to Connecting Country’s AGM on Tuesday 14 October 2014. It was a night to celebrate our achievements from the past 12 months, look to the future and also consider where our activities fit into the bigger picture. Both the 2013-14 annual report and 2014-2024 strategic plan were launched on the night. In his President’s report, Brendan Sydes spoke about the recent presentation that he and Max had made to the Senate committee on National Landcare. As well as being interested in our perspectives on Landcare activities at the local level, the Senators were also quite intrigued by Connecting Country itself, with many questions about its activities, the community participation and its relationship to CMAs, Landcare groups and government agencies.
At the AGM, Brendan also spoke glowingly of two retiring committee members – Malcolm Fyffe and Maurie Dynon. Both have been on the CC committee since the earliest days of the organisation and have made significant contributions over that time. Artwork by local painter Ben Laycock were presented to each as a small token of our appreciation. Thank you Maurie and Malcolm.
The newly elected committee of CC for the next year is as follows: Brendan Sydes (president), Marie Jones (vice president), April Merrick (treasurer), Paul Hampton (who also subsequently offered to fill the vacant secretary role), Malcolm Trainor, Ann-Marie Monda and Saide Gray. As such, there is one vacant position on the committee, as an ‘Ordinary’ committee member. If you are potentially interested in joining the committee, please feel free to contact Chris (Director – or Brendan ( for more information.
Another highlight of the evening was the showing of the documentary – “Rediscovering the Country – A Journey into Landscape Restoration”, which includs a section near the start about Connecting Country. Three of the stars of the film (Geoff Park, Beth Mellick and Malcolm Fyffe), plus two of the film-makers (Ian Penna, Stephen Oakes), were available afterwards for a question and answer session. Many thanks to Geoff Park for being the MC for this session. For those of you who missed the film, it can now be viewed or downloaded from the film-makers website (link here) – which also has more background information and resources.
Connecting Country Into The Future
Posted on 13 November, 2014 by Connecting Country
At Connecting Country’s AGM on Tuesday 14 October 2014, re-elected president Brendan Sydes launched the new strategic plan for the organisation. It was developed as an early draft by staff and the committee, with subsequent revisions made following feedback from members and specialist advisory groups comprising of local community and CC supporters. The 10 year plan identifies four focus areas for the Connecting Country – Restoring Landscapes, Supporting Landcare, Engaging Community and Monitoring and Evaluation. The plan also broadly identifies what Connecting Country should be doing to achieve the best outcomes possible for these focus areas. The next step for the committee and staff is to start taking the guidelines and recommendations from the plan, and putting them into real actions.
An electronic copy of the plan is available (click here) or can be picked up as a hard copy from the office.
Thank you to everyone that contributed to its development. And well done to Krista for coordinating the whole process and putting all the range of great ideas, suggestions and visions into a great final document. Any further feedback or suggestions about the plan or its implementation would be welcomed.
The Birdwatcher’s Monitoring Kit is ready
Posted on 6 November, 2014 by Tanya Loos
Ever wondered whether that honeyeater is likely to be a White-plumed Honeyeater or a Yellow-plumed Honeyeater? Local checklists can go a long way in helping to reduce the need to flip through 20 pages of honeyeaters in your favourite field guide! Connecting Country has developed a Bird checklist for the Mount Alexander region. A quick check of this list will rule out birds such as Yellow-plumed Honeyeater… This list was created with assistance from references created by the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club and from discussions with local specialists. Hopefully new species will be added to the list over time.
The Bird Checklist is just one of the tools now available as part of the ‘Birdwatcher’s Monitoring Kit’, now available on the Monitoring page of the Connecting Country website.
The Birdwatchers Monitoring Kit aims to help everyone, from beginners to experienced, get involved in birdwatching for both fun and conservation. The kit has the checklist, a hard copy data sheet, an Excel spreadsheet datasheet, a sightings sheet for the feathered five and most importantly a five page fact sheet on the hows and whys of bird monitoring to get you started.
The Brown Treecreeper pictured here was photographed by Greg License on a recent Connecting Country Bird Monitoring outing to the Clydesdale region, on Sunday 26 October 2014. A great outing was had by all – with the highlights being Crested Shrike-tits, amorous Peaceful Doves and the Diamond Firetail foraging quietly on the ground for grasses at the end . Our group saw or heard thirty-eight species in three hours. Many thanks to all for attending, and we hope to have more outings like this in the future.
14 Nov 2014 – Wildlife Watching in India
Posted on 31 October, 2014 by Connecting Country
The guest speaker at the Castlemaine Field Naturalist Club’s November general meeting is club president Nigel Harland. The title of Nigel’s talk is Wildlife Watching in India.
Nigel writes. “In February this year my wife and I spent three weeks in India, the main objective was to look at the animals and birds of the country, but we saw many other things, ranging from the utmost poverty to the magnificent historical buildings. Starting in Delhi, which is the same size as Australia, we headed south to Agra to see the Taj Mahal. No matter how many pictures you have seen of it, nothing compares with the reality. We then spent the rest of the holiday in three National Parks to the south of Agra.
These were Baratpur, Bandhavgarh and Khana. Baratpur is a birdwatcher’s paradise, whereas the latter two have many birds but a larger number of mammals. We spent much time in unseasonal rain, but it made little difference to our enjoyment of the trip.”
The meeting is on Friday 14 November, and commences from 7.30pm in the Fellowship Room behind the Uniting Church (on Lyttleton St, next to the Art Gallery and Museum).
16 Nov 2014 – Wetland Ecosystems Field Day
Posted on 31 October, 2014 by Connecting Country
A field day beginning at Melville Caves picnic area will take place on 16 November. (Melville Caves are a little under one and a half hours north-west of Castlemaine.) The event is being hosted by the Wedderburn Conservation Management Network and others, and will examine the often overlooked and threatened wetland ecosystems of Mt Kooyoora and Mt Korong. Local ecologist Paul Foreman will be leading an educational tour on the day. This is a free event with lunch provided. Further details are in this flyer.
October issue of ‘chat’
Posted on 31 October, 2014 by Connecting Country
The October 2014 edition of the North Central CMA publication, Chat, is now available and can be accessed on the NCCMA website. This issue includes articles on the upcoming Elmore Field Day, The Rural Women’s Award winner, a Chemfree Weeding Field day, and a new study on Indian Myna birds.
22 & 23 Nov 2014 – Farming & Conservation symposium
Posted on 31 October, 2014 by Connecting Country
This two-day symposium will bring together experts and practitioners to discuss complex farming and conservation issues. Many of the talks from the day overlap and complement Connecting Country’s education programs held over the past few years.
The location is Blackburn in Melbourne which is a little under 2 hours from Castlemaine. To download the registration/information form click here.