Federal and State Grant Programs now open
Posted on 2 September, 2015 by Connecting Country
There are at least 3 government grant/support programs open at the moment (as at 2 Sept 2015) for community groups (e.g. Landcare, Friends of) to receive support to implement their environmental restoration projects. We have summarised these below, but please follow the links to their websites for full details and descriptions.
Green Army: Round 4 – Applications close: 2 pm AEST (Canberra time) Wednesday 16 September 2015
The Federal Government’s Green Army is a 6-month programme for 17-24 year olds to train and work in the environment or heritage conservation. Community organisations, Landcare groups, environment groups, Indigenous organisations, natural resource management organisations, local councils and others have been encouraged to apply for projects in their region. The local groups receive a Green Army team to work on their projects, but only receive limited or no funding support for the project itself.
Projects must also contribute to Australia’s national and international environmental priorities and obligations.
Round Four of the Programme has two streams. Stream 1 is for Heritage Projects which may commence from 1 January 2016. Stream 2 is for all eligible (non-Heritage) Projects which may commence from 1 July 2016. All Projects approved under Round Four must be completed by 30 June 2017. Applicants who were unsuccessful through previous rounds may re-apply under this round. For further details, see the Green Army website (CLICK HERE).
20 Million Trees Competitive Grants Round 2 – Applications close: 2.00pm AEST (Canberra time) 16 September 2015
The Federal Government is seeking applications from eligible groups or individuals interested in undertaking a tree planting project as part of the 20 Million Trees Programme. Applications are invited for projects seeking funding between $20,000 and $100,000 (GST exclusive). This is primarily a programme to plant indigenous trees and shrubs that grow over 2 metres in height, although some understorey plantings, weed control and site preparation can also be undertaken with the funds. The funds cannot be used to build fences or collect seeds. However, as part of this same application, eligible groups and individuals can also concurrently apply to have a Green Army team undertake the plantings, site preparation and associated activities (which can include fence building and seed collection). Projects up to $60,000 must be completed by 30 June 2017, while projects from $60,000 to $100,000 have until 30 June 2018 for completion.
For further details, see the 20 Million Trees website (CLICK HERE).
Threatened Species Protection Initiative – There are two streams of these new Victorian Government grants.
Community Volunteer Action grants – $2 million dollars is available to support small-scale, local threatened species projects that build community connections to the local environment. Projects must be between $2000 to $20,000. Applications are due by 22 September 2015, and projects must be completed by November 2016.
Strategic Action and Critical Partnerships grants – $3 million dollars is available to environmental agencies and organisations, as experts in threatened species management, to undertake work that reduces threats and secures important sites for threatened species. Applications are due by 8 September 2015, and projects must be completed by June 2016.
For more information on both sets of Threatened Species Protective Initiative grants – CLICK HERE.
19 Sept 2015 – Protecting Threatened Wildlife Forum
Posted on 28 August, 2015 by Connecting Country
Our neighbours down south, the Macedon Ranges Shire Council, will host a lively and topical forum on local wildlife facing extinction on Saturday 19 September 2015.
“Protecting Threatened Wildlife” will combine stimulating thought and discussion from two of Australia’s leading ecologists; Dr Peter Menkhorst (Arthur Rylah Institute) and Dr Dan Harley (Zoos Victoria). It will take place from 2pm–4.30pm at the Newham Mechanics Institute, 1292 Rochford Road, Newham.
Held during National Threatened Species Month, the afternoon will see speakers cover a range of topics, including:
- species in the Macedon Ranges that are most at risk from extinction
- what we’ve lost as a result of extensive clearing of native vegetation
- effective strategies being employed to prevent the loss of native animals.
Conservation fencing: it’s what’s inside that counts!
Posted on 20 August, 2015 by Connecting Country
Like many landholders in Mount Alexander, Beth and Rick Higgins have installed exclusion fencing to restore and regenerate biodiversity on their property, especially the understorey, herbs and grasses – the results of which are dramatic and inspiring. You can come and see for yourselves at Connecting Country’s third Spring Workshop, Conservation Fencing.
There are many reasons install exclusion fencing on your property. You may want to keep out herbivores (such as stock, rabbits or kangaroos) from a revegetation or restoration site, or prevent damage from people, or even keep out introduced predators to have a safe place for native fauna to flourish.
Ian Higgins from the North Central Catchment Management Authority, will be giving us an overview of exclusion fencing and its role in improving biodiversity and taking us on a ‘plot ramble’ to see what’s there and what’s not. He will also discuss ways to monitor success. Connecting Country’s incredibly skilled crew leader, Alex Schipperen, will then talk about the practicalities of installing fencing – including identifying what you are protecting, what are you protecting it from, and how best to do it? We’ll have other special guests on the day too.
When: Sunday 13 September 2015, 10am – 3.30pm.
Where: Yandoit (details provided upon registration). Transport available from Castlemaine.
Cost: $30 per person or $20 for Concession and Connecting Country members. Includes morning tea, lunch by C.A.K.E, session notes and handouts, and follow-up web-based resources.
Registration: Register now as limited places remain. Click here to download a registration form, or contact Jules or Krista at Connecting Country for further information.
This workshop is the third of four in the Spring series which aim to give participants skills and knowledge on working with nature to improve biodiversity. Places are still available for the Biodiversity in the Paddock session to be held on Sunday the 30th of August (click here for more information) and for the last workshop, Back from the Brink, covering controlling weeds and other threats in restoration projects (25 October). Click here for more information on the workshop series. The program is supported by Connecting Country through funding from the Australian government.
Krista Patterson-Majoor, Community Engagement
Award winner at the Sustainable Agriculture forum in Castlemaine
Posted on 17 August, 2015 by Connecting Country
Local orchardist – Katie Finlay – was recently crowned the 2015 Victorian Rural Woman of the Year, and now is in the running for the National Rural Woman award. At the Castlemaine forum for discussing their draft Regional Sustainable Agriculture Strategy, the North Central CMA has organised for Katie to be the guest presenter. Katie will speak about her journey towards sustainability. (As noted in a previous blog – click here – the North Central CMA are also seeking feedback on their draft Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan on the same evening and at same event).
From North Central CMA manager Tim Shanahan “Increasing the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices across the region will strengthen the future of the industry while protecting natural resources such as land and water.”
Further quotes from Tim, additional details about the event and to read a summary of the draft Sustainable Agriculture strategy, follow this link (click here).
The Castlemaine forum is one of five being held across the region. It is on Monday 31 August 2015 from 7.30 pm at the Campbells Creek Community Centre, Elizabeth St – with a light supper served from 7pm. To attend, RSVPs have been requested for catering purposes (email info@nccma.vic.gov.au or by phone on 03 5448 7124).
Managing our biodiversity under climate change
Posted on 12 August, 2015 by Connecting Country
Climate change will affect all life forms, either directly or indirectly, and not just humans. How can local plants, animals and other species be helped to adapt to a changing climate? How do we decide what to prioritise?
Scientists, government agencies, community groups, landholders and others are grappling with these and other questions relating to the impact of climate change on biodiversity.
Connecting Country has been made aware of two upcoming events designed to help address some of these tough issues.
Symposium: ‘Managing Victoria’s Biodiversity under Climate Change’
This symposium to be held on the 8-9 October 2015 in Parkville is being organised by the Victorian National Parks Association, the Royal Society of Victoria and the University of Melbourne. Over these 2 days, a series of expert speakers will briefly outline likely impacts of climate change on Victoria’s ecosystems. Their presentations will address a likely scenario, or a series of scenarios, in the year 2050. Each talk will be followed by 20 minutes of discussion facilitated by a similarly qualified person.
For further details on the topics to be covered, and for registration details, see the attached link (click here).
Feedback on ‘North Central Region Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan’ (and ‘Regional Sustainable Agriculture Strategy’)
These two documents have been developed by the North Central CMA over many months, and are now available in draft form for public feedback. Five public forums are being held to discuss them, with one of these in the Mount Alexander Shire at the Campbells Creek Community Centre on the evening of Monday 31 August 2015. Guest presenter at this event will be Katie Finlay, an orchardist from Harcourt who was recently named as the 2015 Victorian Rural Woman of the Year. Katie will speak about her journey towards sustainability.
Copies of the press release (CLICK HERE) and the invitation flyer (CLICK HERE) from the CMA are available.
Feedback on these two documents is being accepted by the North Central CMA up until 14 September 2015. To view copies of the draft documents follow these links (HERE for climate plan [8MB] and HERE for the Sustainable Agriculture strategy summary [1MB]), or visit the North Central CMA website (here and here, respectively).
Did someone mention the f-word?
Posted on 10 August, 2015 by Connecting Country

The CFA’s Owen Gooding addressing participants; “you don’t need to be a expert or a scientist to understand the fire and the bush around you”
Fire. For many of us it conjures up a range of feelings; “confused … worried … fearful … ignorant … conflicted … overwhelmed …” . For those of us who attended Connecting Country’s Living with Fire and Wildlife workshop on Sunday the 2nd of August we now feel better informed and more confident when it comes to thinking about fire on our properties.
A brilliant team of presenters included Owen Goodings, Julie Whitfield and David Cheal gave a strong and united message that we can enhance biodiversity and manage fire risk at the same time. Andrew and Sarah’s stunning bush block in Strangways provided the perfect backdrop to our discussions.

Julie Whitford: “we have a obligation to look after ourselves but also the many other things that live on the land”.
We all gained a lot from the day – from a better understanding fire behaviour in the bush, to comprehending the complicated interactions of our flora and fauna, to having an idea of suitable plants for around the house.
More information, resources, and a excellent summary from workshop participants Helen and Ian Scott is available here. A new forum topic has also been started for those who would like to continue the conversation; click here to get involved.
Our huge thanks to our presenters, our hosts, and to Chris Johnston for her expert facilitation that made the day flow so smoothly.
Preparations are currently underway for our next workshop; “Biodiversity in the Paddock”. Here is your opportunity to learn a little more about the often hidden gems of your property – the mosses and lichens, ants, and moths and how they all fit into the bigger landscape picture. Places are filling fast, click here for more information and to reserve your spot.
The ‘Working with Nature to Improve Your Property’ 2015 Workshop Program is supported by Connecting Country through funding from the Australian government.
Magic moments of winter bird monitoring
Posted on 8 August, 2015 by Tanya Loos
One of the joys of bird monitoring is the experience of magic moments: special points of time and place that stand out in the mind as truly special. Connecting Country’s winter bird monitoring has been completed for the 2015 year, involving two surveys at each of the 54 sites, which totals 108 ‘twenty minute – two hectare’ surveys. Here are a few of the magic moments from this winter’s wet and windy efforts!
While looking for the typical, tiny bush bird shapes in the foliage on the side of a hill in Metcalfe Conservation Reserve, I was completely taken aback by the sight of a huge Wedge-tailed Eagle taking off from the ground just metres in front of me, closely followed by another, younger bird. They had been eating a dead kangaroo, and the pair perched nearby in a paddock tree watching me closely as I completed the survey.
Speckled Warblers are not often encountered; they are a small, ground-foraging woodland bird somewhat like a scrubwren, with attractive streaky plumage. One lucky afternoon I had brilliant views of two foraging in rocky grassy undergrowth at the Nuggettys, then observed another at a direct seeding site in Maldon, foraging on the ground with thornbills and Scarlet Robins.
This year I have had the fortunate opportunity to set up a number of new bird monitoring sites (eight in total) with landholders who have past or present Connecting Country revegetation projects on their properties. After surveying a direct seeding site in the Blue Hills area, myself and the landholders went for a walk and we were rewarded with a brilliant session; dozens of bird species including Hooded Robins, Jacky Winters, Brown Treecreepers and culminating in a pair of Crested Shrike-tits doing a courtship wing shivering display. Magic!

This striking male Crested Shrike-tit was photographed by Geoff Park, and featured on his blog Natural Newstead.
If you are interested in a revegetation project on your property, call Jarrod Coote at the Connecting Country office on 5472 1594 to find out more.
And for those of you who are enjoying the birds on your property; watch this space, as we will be going out on another outing in early September.
by Tanya Loos, Habitat for Bush Birds Project Coordinator.
Biodiversity in the paddock – looking beyond the grass…
Posted on 7 August, 2015 by Connecting Country
If you know where and how to look, you will discover that your paddock is home to a plethora of living creatures and plants.
At our next Spring Workshop, Biodiversity in the Paddock, our team of expert ecologists will guide you through the landscape to identify what makes up ‘biodiversity’. On a stunning property in Maldon, landscape ecologist Geoff Park, moth expert Steve Williams, botanist Karl Just and moss and lichen expert Cassia Read will take us on a hands-on foray for the obvious to the often overlooked. We will examine the big picture and right down to the small and discuss how we can improve, and monitor, the health of our landscape.
When: Sunday 30 August 2015, 10am – 3.30pm
Where: Maldon (details provided upon registration). Transport available from Castlemaine.
Cost: $30 per person or $20 for Concession and Connecting Country members. Includes morning tea, lunch by C.A.K.E, session notes and handouts, and follow-up web-based resources.
Registration: Register now as limited places remain. Click here to download a registration form, or contact Jules or Krista at Connecting Country for further information.
This workshop is the second of four in the Spring series which aim to give participants skills and knowledge on working with nature to improve biodiversity. The final two workshop cover using exclusion fencing to restore habitat (13 September), and controlling weeds in restoration projects (25 October). Click here for more information on the workshop series.
Krista Patterson-Majoor, Community Engagement
20 Aug 2015 – Local Butterflies
Posted on 6 August, 2015 by Connecting Country
Julie Whitfield of Bendigo is an environmental consultant with a passion for butterflies, and she will be guest speaker at Newstead Landcare’s next meeting, on Thursday 20 August 2015.
As a recipient of a prestigious Winston Churchill Fellowship, Julie recently had the opportunity to explore conservation projects for butterflies in the USA and the UK with the dream of bringing these models back to Victoria to apply with our local community groups. Julie will provide a presentation on these experiences and on the butterfly species likely to occur in the Newstead area, and their role in local ecosystems.
Mount Alexander Shire has a few populations of the extremely rare Eltham Copper Butterfly which has an extraordinary relationship with a particular ant species and Sweet Bursaria shrubs. Julie will introduce you to this marvel as well as to some of our more common local butterflies.
The Newstead Landcare group have extended an invitation for all interested people to attend the talk on Thursday 20 August from 8 pm at the Newstead Community Centre (gold coin donations appreciated). No need to book in – just come along, discover and be inspired!
Further tributes to Doug Ralph
Posted on 5 August, 2015 by Connecting Country
For those that attended last week’s AGM of the Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forest (FOBIF), it commenced with a memorable photo-montage of the late great Doug Ralph. Doug was the founding president of both FOBIF and Connecting Country, and he is sorely missed. I’m sure that he would have had a wry smile following revelations from the guest speaker at the AGM that native Slime Moulds are spread throughout the local forests and woodlands. Bernard Slattery, a FOBIF committee member, wrote a moving tribute to his good friend Doug which was published in the June 2015 edition of ‘Park Watch’, the superb magazine of the Victorian National Parks Association. A scanned copy of this article is provided (click here).
He passing was also noted in the Victorian Parliament, with the following text taken from Hansard on 17 March 2015:
Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan)—I would like to memorialise the life and passing of Doug Ralph, a Castlemaine resident and dedicated Green. Doug’s family was part of Castlemaine since the gold rush, and Doug grew up in the area, as did his three children. He worked at various jobs over the years, including 12 years at the Castlemaine Bacon Company, but he also worked on developing part of the goldfields trail between Castlemaine and Daylesford. He was active in so many community affairs and environmental issues, from the Chewton progress association to the Mount Alexander diggings association, the South Castlemaine Kindergarten committee and the 1851 re-enactment committee. He was also involved in permaculture, Landcare, the environment and so many other areas.
We had a wonderful memorial event for Doug in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens the weekend before last, when hundreds of citizens came together and shared stories—some inspirational and some quite funny—about the impact Doug had had on their lives. It is clear that his passing has left a great gap in the community’s life. It was described as the falling of a great tree in the forest, but hopefully as the light comes in and the seeds he laid start to grow we will all rise up and fill the gap he has left.
Thank you to Bron Silver for providing the pictures for this blog, and for also making me aware that Wikipedia now has a ‘Doug Ralph’ page – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Ralph.
Spot the “Yellow Hooded Planter”
Posted on 3 August, 2015 by Connecting Country
Saturday 25 July 2015 saw an enthusiastic crowd gather in a seasonally cold paddock in Walmer to take part in Connecting Country’s Community Planting Day.
The paddock underwent an amazing transformation. Bare rip lines were planted with fifteen hundred milk carton guards and native plants. 1,500!! What an amazing achievement. Thank you to all who came for the event.
Among the crowd, the recognisable “yellow hooded planter” could be seen, Very active in the planting season, she can be spotted most weekends undertaking one kind of native plant activity after another. Marie, you are a gem!
Local children’s author and artist Trace Balla came along and shared her story of how nature shapes and inspires her creativity. More than a few people would have come away keen to weave a basket out of sheoak or sedge as beautifully as Trace has done! Trace reminded us all of our inherent connection to nature, and the deeper reasons why we are doing what we can to restore nature’s balance.
A big thank you again to all who came, first timers and the old hands. Your participation makes Connecting Country a real possibility.
Juliet Walsh, 2015 Community Planting Coordinator
This project has been supported by Connecting Country, through funding provided by the Australian Government.
Your property could be next! To find out if you are eligible for funding and other support towards habitat restoration on your property, call Jarrod or Bonnie of the Connecting Country team on 5472 1594.
Draft Castlemaine Community Plan – open for comment until 21 Aug 2015
Posted on 1 August, 2015 by Connecting Country
The Mount Alexander Shire Council has informed us that the final draft of the Castlemaine Community Plan is open for review. CLICK HERE to see a copy of the draft plan. Of particular relevance to Connecting Country is the section titled ‘In Balance with Nature’.
“Comments are invited on the draft before it is finalised and launched in a few months time. All feedback is requested to be submitted by Friday 21 August 2015.”
Feedback on the plan can be sent to s.jones@mountalexander.vic.gov.au (prior to 10 August 2015) and g.atkin@mountalexander.vic.gov.au (between 10 and 21 August 2015).
Note: This is Community Plan is a different document to the council’s Environment Strategy 2015-2015 that we have highlighted recently on this website. The Environment Strategy was adopted by the councillor’s at their meeting on 28 July, with some amendments. The amendments appear to increase the transparency of the review and evaluation process, and also increases opportunities for community contributions. Further details are available in the ‘Unconfirmed’ Minutes of the council meeting (CLICK HERE to go to relevant section of their website, or CLICK HERE for a direct copy of the unconfirmed minutes). At the time this blog went live, the final approved version of the Environment Strategy does not appear on their website.
Grant Program Open – 20 Million Trees
Posted on 31 July, 2015 by Connecting Country
A second round of the Australian Government’s ’20 Million Trees’ programme has just opened. Funding of between $20,000 and $100,000 is available to plant trees and associated native understorey species. According to the programme’s website:
“The 20 Million Trees Programme will support projects that involve the community in re-establishing native vegetation, provide habitat to support our threatened species, sequester carbon from the atmosphere and help to create greener spaces to improve the liveability of Australia’s cities and towns. Priority for Round Two will be given to projects with positive outcomes for threatened species and threatened ecological communities listed under the EPBC Act.”
For Round Two, applicants have the option to apply in the same application for up to three Green Army Teams to assist with the implementation of their 20 Million Trees Project. Guidelines and other key information is available online (CLICK HERE). Applications for Round 2 can be submitted from early August using the online form. Applications must be submitted by the closing time of 2.00pm AEST (Canberra time) 16 September 2015.
The application process is very detailed for these projects so make sure you have a look at the guidelines and other information first up. As always, please feel free to get in contact with Mount Alexander Region Landcare Facilitator, Max Schlachter, if you would like to discuss your project ideas (max@connectingcountry.org.au or phone 03 5472 1594).
Salinity Snapshot
Posted on 31 July, 2015 by Connecting Country
Cass Davis, Regional Waterwatch Coordinator with the North Central CMA, has made us aware of the recently released ‘Salinity Snapshot Report. This report is an overview of the results of samples tested for salinity by volunteers from waterways across the state as part of Waterwatch Victoria’s Saltwatch Week event in May 2015. The sites tested within the Mount Alexander Shire and surrounds from the Campaspe and Loddon catchments gave overall readings ranging from fair to good (with one score of ‘excellent’). Decent results, but still with room for improvement! CLICK HERE for a copy of the report.
North Central CHAT – July 2015 available
Posted on 31 July, 2015 by Connecting Country
Tess Grieves, the recently appointed Regional Landcare Coordinator with the North Central CMA, has told us of the highlights of this month’s edition of the ‘chat’:
- 2015-16 Community Grants Program NOW OPEN, closing COB August 14th
- Green Army Team have hit the ground in the Loddon Plains catchment
- Waterwatch salinity snapshot
- Upcoming events & conferences
It also includes a nice wrap-up of the successes of the 40,000 Trees planting day coordinated by the consortium of Barkers Creek Landcare groups.
CLICK HERE for a link to the July 2015 edition of the ‘chat’.
1-2 Aug 2015 – Resuming the search for Swifties
Posted on 29 July, 2015 by Connecting Country
Twice each year, Birdlife Australia encourages birdwatchers from across south-eastern mainland Australia to search for the threatened Swift Parrot and Regent Honeyeater. The first search was in mid-May this year. At this time (15 May 2015), Connecting Country’s Habitat for Bush Birds coordinator Tanya Loos led an excursion out to Columbine Creek. None were found, but a range of other interesting bird species were seen. Other locals went searching in the Muckleford area, but also came up empty-handed.
However, we weren’t alone here. Birdlife Australia informed us that the surveys across the country were largely unsuccessful – “The May 2015 survey resulted in low numbers of both species, with <150 Swift Parrots (compared to 1200 in May 2014) and 10 Regent Honeyeaters (compared to 24 in May 2014).” CLICK HERE to read their full report on the May 2015 surveys.
However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that these bird populations have gone into a catastrophic decline over the past 12 months. Each year, the Swift Parrots feed in a different part of south-eastern Australia depending upon the availability of food – and it can be a challenge to find where they are hiding out across such a massive area. It’s a bit like a game of hide-and-seek on a continental-scale.
This weekend – 1-2 August – is the second and final official search weekend for 2015. Connecting Country isn’t able to lead an excursion this weekend, but we encourage people to look for these two rarities in the local bushlands. Even if you don’t find any, send in a survey form to BirdLife so that they can build up a picture of where birds are not being found as well. (Survey forms are available here in WORD and PDF format; and further instructions from Birdlife are available HERE).
Good luck, and let us know how you go!
A botanist, an ecologist and a fire specialist
Posted on 23 July, 2015 by Connecting Country
Earlier this week I had a taste of what happens when you get a botanist, an ecologist and a fire specialist looking at a local bush property. The conversation flowed from our relationship with fire, to fire behavior and ecology, to the response of local plants. Their different views were fascinating, but they did agree that it is possible to have biodiversity and to manage for fire risk.
On Sunday the 2nd of August 2015 from 10 am – 3.30 pm, you too can take part in, and learn from, this conversation at Connecting Country’s ‘Living with Fire and Wildlife‘ workshop.

The CFA’s Owen Goodings assures participants that there is a lot we can do to manage fire and have our biodiversity as well.
Facilitated by Chris Johnston, participants will hear the perspectives of three experts including Owen Goodings (CFA – Statewide Team Leader Vegetation Management), David Cheal (Fire Ecologist – ex-DEPI and now Federation University) and Julie Whitfield (Field Ecologist, ex-DEPI and now Amaryllis Environmental).
Andrew Skeoch’s property in Yandoit will be the ideal venue – a 110 acre bush block that will allow us to consider planning in relation to fire and biodiversity in a meaningful way. Through practical exercises on the day, you will be encouraged to consider how you can manage fire risk, and enhance biodiversity, on your own property.
The workshop costs $30 per person or $20 for Concession and Connecting Country members. Included is morning tea and lunch by C.A.K.E, session notes and handouts, and follow-up web-based resources. Transportation from Castlemaine is also available.
Register now as limited places remain. Click here to download a registration form, or contact Jules or Krista at Connecting Country for further information.
This workshop is the first of four in the Spring series which aim to give participants skills and knowledge on working with nature to improve biodiversity. The following workshops will cover identifying and enhancing biodiversity in the paddock (30 August), using exclusion fencing to restore habitat (13 September), and controlling weeds in restoration projects (25 October). Click here for more information on the workshop series. Discounts apply if you attend all four of our Spring Workshops.
Krista Patterson-Majoor, Community Engagement Coordinator
2015-16 Community Grants Program- North Central Victoria NOW OPEN
Posted on 20 July, 2015 by Connecting Country
The North Central Catchment Management Authority have just announced the opening of its ‘2015-16 Community Grants Program- North Central Victoria’. These grants are very similar to the ‘Victoria Landcare Grants’ that the North Central CMA has administered over the last few years. According to Regional Landcare Coordinator Tess Grieves:
“The program is proudly funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme and the Victorian Government’s Victorian Landcare Grants. A total pool of approximately $250,000 to $280,000 funding is available and will be allocated through a competitive grants process. Funding is available for community groups, networks and individuals to complete on-ground works, community capacity building and/or demonstration trials on a range of natural resource management and sustainable agriculture issues.
There are three grant types available:
- Maintenance (up to $500/group or network) and Start-up Grants (up to $500/group or $1,000/network) for groups and networks
- Project Grants (up to $10,000) for individuals, groups or networks
- Landcare Network Grants (up to $15,000) for Landcare network.
*Groups and networks that receive a Project Grant or Landcare Network Grant cannot also receive a Maintenance or Start-Up grant. However groups and networks are encouraged to apply for both.
Please take some time to read through the Guidelines thoroughly to ensure your project meets the eligibility criteria and compliance with legislation.
If you don’t receive a hard-copy or wish to download further copies of the information, all 2015-16 Community Grants Program documentation can be downloaded from the North Central CMA website on the Landcare Tab at: http://www.nccma.vic.gov.au/Land/Landcare/Grants/index.aspx
Timelines: For projects involving on ground works, the online mapping service available to assist with creating your projects maps (see page 9 of the Guidelines) will be available from Monday 20th July. Applications close 5.00 pm Friday 14 August 2015.
They should be submitted via:
Email: landcare@nccma.vic.gov.au
Post: North Central CMA, PO Box 18, Huntly VIC 3551.
For further assistance in completing your application form please contact the North Central CMA by emailing landcare@nccma.vic.gov.au or phone 03 5448 7124.”
Tess will be at Connecting Country’s Landcare Link-up meeting this Wednesday 22nd July to talk about the grants.
From Max Schlachter, Mount Alexander Landcare Facilitator, 20 July 2015.
26 July 2015 – Wheel Cactus Field Day in Historic Reserve
Posted on 20 July, 2015 by Connecting Country
The next field day of the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group will be held in the Maldon Historic Park at the back of Mount Tarrengower. Lee Mead from the group has asked us to distribute the following message:
“Thanks to our generous sponsors, the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group is continuing to eradicate Wheel Cactus from our local public lands. These sponsors include the North Central Catchment Management Authority, Parks Victoria, Mount Alexander Shire Council and Connecting Country. This month we’ll be killing cactus plants at the foot of Mount Tarrangower behind the township of Maldon. We hold Community Field Days on the last Sunday of each month from April to November and take a rest during the hot summer months.
Our group would also like to express their gratitude to the volunteers who continue to support our war on Wheel Cactus. However, we can never have too many hands to help us to control the spread of this noxious weed, and warmly welcome any new interested folk. Please join us at our next Community Field Day on Sunday 26th July, and enjoy destroying some Wheel Cactus in the picturesque Maldon Historic Reserve. We’ll demonstrate how to dig and inject the plants and provide all the equipment. All you need is some sturdy boots and warm clothing.
To get there, follow Bridgewater Road north out of Maldon and turn left at Waterson’s Road. Only a couple of kms further along turn left again into Back Mount Road. The route will be well signposted from Waterson’s Road. The morning’s activities begin at 10:30am and end with a delicious free BBQ lunch and friendly chat. If you have any queries please contact Ian on 0412 015 807 or contact the committee via our website at www.cactuswarriors.org“.
CLICK HERE to download a copy of their flyer for this field day. Connecting Country is a long-time supporter of this group, who are doing such amazing work to help slow, stop and reverse the spread of this insidious weed across the Mount Alexander region.
Native Vegetation Clearing Regulations under review
Posted on 18 July, 2015 by Connecting Country
In the second half of 2012, the State government proposed new regulations to streamline the process (by reducing ‘red tape’) for people or organisations wishing to clear native vegetation in Victoria. Along with many other groups, Connecting Country made a submission during the public consultation process which expressed concern about the proposed changes. The changes seemed to be a retrograde step in the management and protection of the environment, and threatened to undermine the efforts of Connecting Country to restore natural landscapes in the Mount Alexander region.
With some modifications, these regulations were implemented and are currently operational.
The current State government is now undertaking a review of the Native Vegetation Permitted Clearing Regulations to ensure they sensibly protect sensitive native vegetation. The terms of reference for this review are available on the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning website (CLICK HERE).
As outlined on DEWLP’s website, a series of stakeholder consultations are being held across the state over the coming days and weeks as part of this review. The nearest to the Mount Alexander Region is in Bendigo on Wednesday 22nd July 2015 from 10.30am through until 12.30pm. Their website also states, “Registration is required to attend these sessions. To register please email nativevegetation.review@delwp.vic.gov.au and include your name, the organisation you represent (if relevant) and which session you would like to attend. Once your registration is confirmed, you will be sent an email which will include venue details and confirmed session times.”