Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

24 Sept 2013 – Connecting Country AGM

Posted on 29 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

Connecting Country’s Annual General Meeting is being held at the Chewton Senior Citizens and Community Centre from 7 pm on Tuesday 24 September.  The agenda for the AGM can be downloaded here.  Local naturalists Geoff Park and Ern Perkins will be guest speakers after the formalities of the AGM, followed by refreshments and time for mingling with other members and supporters.

The AGM also includes a special resolution to adopt a new Connecting Country constitution.  The current constitution is available here.  The proposed new constitution is available here.  An explanatory note from the Connecting Country committee on the need for a new constitution is provided here.

All interested people are welcome to attend this evening.  However, only current members are able to vote at the AGM, either in person or by proxy (click here for a proxy form).  Membership renewal forms have been sent to all current and lapsed members of Connecting Country, and must be sent back to Connecting Country at least 7 days prior to the AGM to be eligible.  Membership renewal forms can be downloaded here.  Please feel free to contact us if you are unsure of your membership status ( or call 5472 1594).

We hope to see you there.



30 & 31 August – Platypus Week in Clunes

Posted on 26 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

Clunes Landcare and Waterways Group is hosting a free Platypus Week festival to celebrate community involvement and enjoyment of the Creswick Creek.

The festival will include talks, a local art exhibition, creek walks and a community BBQ on Friday 30 and Saturday 31 August 2013.

For more information visit the Victorian Landcare Gateway website.


31 Aug & 1 Sept – Australian Plant Show Bendigo

Posted on 26 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

aust-native-plant-show-The Bendigo Native Plant Group is holding their 2013 Australian Plant Show on the first weekend in Spring – Saturday August 31 and Sunday September 1, 10 am – 4.30 pm at Rotary Gateway Park Centre, High Street Kangaroo Flat. $5 entry (children free).

There will be a native and indigenous floral display, plant sales, children’s corner, book sales, a DVD presentation on plants that grow in the Bendigo region, a display of Australian bonsai, and a raffle.

Continue Reading »


Two TfN Spring into Nature Events

Posted on 26 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

Trust for Nature has organised two events in the North Central region to celebrate Spring in 2013.  The first is a guided walk of a Trust for Nature property on the 8 September at Wanderers Plain, near Kerang.  The second is a guided walk and lesson in botanical illustration by Karen MacMillan on 6 October, followed by a lunch in a covenanted property in Shelbourne. Have a look at this flyer for the details.


25 Aug – 2 Oct: Spring in the Bendigo Bush festival

Posted on 26 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

spring.webSpring in the Bendigo Bush explores how people live with, and understand, our local environment in a series of workshops, walks and events which this year will take place between 25 August and 2 October 2013. Most events are free.

The festival is a collaboration between the City of Greater Bendigo and and a large range of other environmental organisations.

For all the details have a look at this flyer.



5 Sept – ‘A Dawne Chorus Extravaganza’

Posted on 22 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

Castlemaine Library has organised a free event to welcome Spring – a performance by the sensational bird-caller, Dawne Chorus. The date is Thursday 5 September 2013 at 5.30pm for a dusk performance. Castlemaine Field Naturalists will also be displaying some terrific images of our local bushlands.

This is a free event but RSVP for catering purposes is necessary (phone: 5472 1458, email



Mount Alexander Region Landcare E-news – August Edition

Posted on 22 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

The August 2013 edition of the Mount Alexander Landcare E-news is available. Click on the banner below to download the newsletter.


The Landcare E-news is short monthly update on  Landcare-related news, information and events for the Mount Alexander Shire and surrounds.  Previous editions of E-news are available from the Landcare page of the Connecting Country website (click here).

The newsletter is sent out by Connecting Country’s Local Landcare Facilitator, Max Schlachter. If you would like to be put on the recipient list, send Max an email:


Draft Fire Operations Plan – Open for comment until 31 Aug

Posted on 20 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

The planned burning program for Victoria over the next three years is now on the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) website for public consideration.  Many of the areas have been approved previously for burning.  Feedback is being request for a number of new proposed burn areas for the years of 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16.  In the local area, the new proposed burns are mainly centred around settlement, and are mostly designated as Asset Protection Zones.

The program can be seen by following this link. The Mount Alexander Shire  and most of the immediate surrounds occur within the Murray Goldfields sub-region, with the Midlands sub-region occurring nearby to the south of the shire.

DEPI is interested in community feedback on the draft Fire Operation Plans (FOPs): instructions on how to do this are on the above link, but you can also email . The consultation is open till 31 August 2013.

Connecting Country’s submission to last year’s FOP can be found here (page 1) and here (page 2).


Applications for 2013 Communities for Nature Grants now open

Posted on 15 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

Communities for Nature Grants for Small and Large Grants are open until 13 September 2013.

The Communities for Nature grants program supports:

  • Practical community action to deliver measurable environmental outcomes
  • Community groups and volunteers doing works primarily focused on the environment.
  •  Communities with relevant and timely information to assess priorities at the local level to determine the best returns for on-ground works

Communities for Nature grants are available to eligible organisations including local community groups and organisations, including schools.

The program has up to $4,000,000 to invest for the 2013 for small grants of up to $10,000; and for large project grants of $10,001 to $150,000.

For application details and technical input into your application, contact the Grants Information Line on 1300 366 356. You can also download the program guidelines and FAQs on the DEPI website.



14 August – Friends of Campbells Creek Get-together & AGM

Posted on 12 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

The Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare group (FOCC) would like to invite all interested community members to their Annual General Meeting and dinner at the Klua Sathorn Restaurant (32 Johnstone St, Castlemaine, licensed) this Wednesday 14th August at 6:30pm.

A wide range of food and drinks available for purchase. For those not wishing to eat, the AGM component should start around 6:30 pm and run for around 20 minutes.

Group secretary Shona Cornwell says “This is a great chance to socialise, enjoy a Thai meal, elect office-bearers, and talk about the year ahead – mostly eating and getting together.  We hope to see you there.”

The FOCC have also just launched their very own Facebook page where you can keep up to date with all their events. Click HERE to check out the Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare Facebook page.

facebook f

Contact: Shona Cornwall – 0408724699.


15 August – Talk on Native Ants

Posted on 9 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

Local ecologist Karl Just will be presenting a talk on Ants and their important role in native ecosystems on Thursday 15 August 2013 between 8 pm and 9 pm at the Newstead Community Centre.

Among other things, the talk will explore the origin and distribution of ants, the fascinating relationships they have with other organisms and their potential for use in monitoring. Some common species occurring in the local area will also be discussed.

The evening has been organised by the Newstead Landcare Group and a gold coin donation on the night will help to continue to provide these interesting talks (and supper).  Everyone is welcome.

Notoncus ants attending larva of Eltham Copper Butterfly


12 August 2013 – FOBIF AGM and Guest Speaker

Posted on 8 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Box -Ironbark Forests (FOBIF) will be held at the Castlemaine Continuing Education Centre, Templeton Street, Castlemaine at 7.30 pm on Monday 12 August. Guest speaker, Ian O’Halloran, will speak on the land restoration project under way at Post Office Hill, Chewton. This fascinating 22 hectare site between the Post Office and the railway line is full of surprises, and the work of the Post Office Hill Action Group is a model for groups anywhere wanting to give a little corner of the planet a better chance.

Ian O'Halloran

Ian O’Halloran talks to the POHAG troops at Post Office Hill: the area is of interest geologically, and for its signs of Aboriginal and gold era history, as well as for a surprising wealth of plant species.



9 Aug 2013 – Talk – Between Mitchell and the Gold

Posted on 2 August, 2013 by Connecting Country

On Friday 9 August, the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club will be local artist, ‘expeditioner’ and historian Eliza Tree.

Eliza’s recent research ‘challenges the misconception that Victoria and Castlemaine began with gold’. Following the journey of Major Mitchell through Victoria in 1836, there was a rapid expansion of pastoralism and colonization into the local area and across Victoria, all prior to the Gold Rush of the 1850’s.  Eliza will describe many of the effects that this expansion had upon the local environment and indigenous cultural landscape in those few years between Mitchell and the Gold Rush.

Her talk is titled “Land Rush to Gold Rush, Jaara Country 1836 – 51”.

As per usual, the evening will commence at 7.30pm in the Fellowship Room hall behind the Uniting Church on Lyttleton St in Castlemaine (midway between Kennedy St and Barker St).  Both members of the CFNC and visitors are welcome and encouraged to attend this free event.  Stay for a chat over a hot drink and biscuits afterwards!


Painting by Eliza Tree from her ‘Journey to the Australia Felix’ series.



28 July 2013 – Cactus War Continues (& new website launched)

Posted on 26 July, 2013 by Connecting Country

The Tarrangower Cactus Control  Group is holding its next Community Field Day this Sunday, 28th July.  The venue is the Maldon Historic Reserve in Watersons Road near the turn off to Mount Back Road. Follow the signs from the intersection of the Maldon-Bridgewater Road and Watersons Road.

As usual the day will start at 10.30 am and end at about 12.30pm with a sausage sizzle.


Header photo from the new Cactus Control website

The  Cactus Control Group recently launched its new website at a lunch at the Kangaroo Hotel in Maldon. As well as keeping people up to date with the latest local cactus control activities, the site includes valuable information on the weed itself, methods of controlling it, trials of a various control methods and the history of the group. Wheel Cactus is widely naturalised in western and central Victoria, western NSW and south-eastern and eastern South Australia infesting pastures, granite outcrops and open woodlands. This website will be a valuable resource to people in these areas who are engaged in cactus control activities.


28 July is National Tree Day 2013 – Get Out There & Get Planting!

Posted on 24 July, 2013 by Connecting Country

Sunday 28th July is Planet Ark’s National Tree Day.

Everybody is welcome to be part of Tree Day events happening in Baringhup, Campbells Creek, Castlemaine, Chewton, Harcourt and Sutton Grange this Sunday.

All the details of these events can be found on the National Tree Day 2013 page of the Connecting Country website – click here to check it out.

National Tree Day plantings improve our environment by revegetating degraded land with indigenous plant species. These plants will create food and habitat for local wildlife, including threatened species such as the Tuan (or Brush-tailed Phascogale), Swift Parrot and Eltham Copper Butterfly.

National Tree day is organised by Planet Ark and you can learn more about it at their website.

Matt, Aiden and Bryce have an affinity with this River Red Gum which stands sentinel at the Waterwatch testing spot where the Baringhup National Tree Day event will take place.

Matt, Aiden and Bryce have an affinity with this River Red Gum which stands sentinel at the Waterwatch testing spot where the Baringhup National Tree Day event will take place.


What’s Happening with Natural Regeneration

Posted on 17 July, 2013 by Connecting Country

Ian Lunt is a vegetation ecologist who works at Charles Sturt University. He recently gave a talk about the value of natural regeneration occurring across central Victoria at the Biodiversity Across The Borders conference in Ballarat. This type of regeneration, he explained, is slow and often unnoticed. Assisted by economic factors and the demand for amenity land use, he argues that it is having far more effect on our environment than intentional planting or direct seeding. To view the complete talk, visit this YouTube clip.  His blog also has some interesting information on this and other topics.


Two Apps about Australian Pests

Posted on 15 July, 2013 by Connecting Country


1. New Pests iPhone App

Users of iPhone and iPad can now access the latest information about Australia’s pest animals via the new ‘Field Guide to Pest Animals’ App.  This App contains species profiles for 31 of Australia’s worst pest animals, including

  • species descriptions
  • photo galleries
  • footprints
  • audio calls
  • maps
  • control techniques
  • quick links to plenty of pest control resources.

To learn more, visit PESTSMART.  According to the website, the same App will hopefully be available for Android phones and pads in the future.

2. New FeralScan App

feralscanFeral Scan is a national program where members of the public can map their observations of certain pest animals.  Previously, this was only accessible through the FeralScan website.  However, contributors to FeralScan can now access and enter data through an App on their mobile phones and mobile devices.

A dedicated FeralScan App suitable for rural and remote areas is currently in development, as is a new secure community group facility that will enable groups to login and share data about community-led projects or Council pest control programs.

For further information contact Peter West at Invasive Animals CRC – 

Rabbit Ute Guide

Connecting Country has copies of its recently released Ute Guide to Rabbit Control available (see earlier post on this item – click here).   This can be picked up for free from the Connecting Country office.


Applications Now Open for Three Grants

Posted on 27 June, 2013 by Connecting Country

1. Innovation Grants

Applications are open for Innovation Grants ranging between $250 000 to $1.5 million. The grants are for the development and adoption of innovative practices and technologies across agriculture, fishing, aquaculture and farm forestry industries. They are part of the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country initiative, delivered under the Sustainable Agriculture stream.

Applications close at 2pm on 4 July 2013. For further information, click visit the grants page of the Caring for Country website or call 1800 552 008.

2. Community Food Grants

Community Food Grants are a new initiative and are part of the Nation Food Plan. Grants are of up to $10 000 for community gardens, city farms or similar activities and up to $25 000 for farmers’ markets, food rescue and similar activities are available.

Community gardens, food cooperatives, farmers’ markets, food rescue services or groups with an idea for community food initiatives may be interested in applying for funding under the program.

Applications close 5pm on 4 July 2013.  For further information, visit the grants page of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) website  or phone 1800 702 330.

3. Victorian Landcare Grants

The North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is calling for applications for the next round of the State Government’s Victorian Landcare Grants program for community groups to undertake natural resource management (NRM) projects in 2013-14.

The Victorian Landcare Grants Program continues to have an emphasis on building community capacity. The program is designed to fund projects that enable NRM community groups, networks and their volunteers to undertake effective on-ground works to protect and restore the Victorian landscape.

There are two grant types available:

  • Project grants (up to $20,000)
  • Maintenance and start-up grants (up to $1,000)

Applications close 5pm on Monday 22 July 2013. For further information, visit the Landcare page on the North Central CMA website.


30 June 2013 – Cactus Control Field Day

Posted on 26 June, 2013 by Connecting Country

Next Sunday, 30 June, is not only the end of the financial year, it is also the next Cactus Control Group’s Field Day. This month the location will be at a property near the corner of Watersons Road and Tarrengower School Road.  The route will be signposted.

As usual, it will start at 10.30 am and finish with a cuppa and a sausage sizzle.

Download this flyer to see more details.


Have Your Say about the Impact of Development

Posted on 26 June, 2013 by Connecting Country

A project is being currently undertaken by a Melbourne University-based research group into resource management in peri-urban areas of Victoria. The researchers describe the study as follows:

Local communities, academic experts and local planners have  expressed concern about the pace of development and the effects that this might carry for the landscape and the natural resources. Sound urban and regional planning is required to prevent the negative impacts associated with unplanned development and the mismanagement of natural resources.

The views and preferences of local communities residing in these areas are important and need to be taken into account to achieve better longer-term planning. The aim of this project is to better understand local residents’ interactions, preferences and expectations regarding their landscape in their local area.

The study area includes Mount Alexander as well as Ballarat, Central Goldfields, Greater Bendigo, Hepburn, Macedon Ranges and Moorabool. Residents in these municipalities can participate in the research by filling out an online survey. Click here for information on the project and a link to the survey.