April 2017 edition North Central Chat plus Landcare Grants and Report Card
Posted on 19 April, 2017 by Connecting Country
CLICK HERE to view the April 2017 edition of the North Central Chat. This month’s edition features information, Landcare stories and upcoming events.
Landcare Australia’s Sustainable Agriculture Grants 2017 have recently opened. All the information can be found at: https://landcareaustralia.org.au/funding-opportunities/landcare-australias-sustainable-agriculture-grants-2017/
To see our region’s Landcare report card 2015-16 from Tess Grieves, our Regional Landcare Coordinator, CLICK HERE.
9am Tues 11 April 2017: Paul Foreman on the radio
Posted on 10 April, 2017 by Connecting Country
Tune in to 94.9 MAINE fm between 9-11am this Tuesday 11 April 2017 for the Hear Say program when local ecologist and presenter at the Ecological Thinning on Bush Blocks workshop, Paul Foreman chats with Suzanne Donisthorpe about the workshop and all things local ecology. There are still some places left for the thinning workshop, to book click here.
Muckleford Forest gets mapped!
Posted on 10 April, 2017 by Connecting Country
In April 2015, after suggestions from Connecting Country, the Castlemaine Information Centre and the Newstead Landcare Group, Jase from Cartography Community Mapping started work on a map of the Muckleford Forest. He has recently completed this map – recognizing that a map is never really “complete”.
Broadly the map area is bounded in the north by the Castlemaine-Maldon Railway, in the south by the Pyrenees Highway, on the west by the Maldon-Newstead Rd and on the east by the east boundary of the public forest land There are some minor tracks yet to be delineated and features to be defined – these adjustments will happen over time. For further information, perusal and PDF files for printing are available when you click here.
Cartography Community Mapping (CCM) offers free mapping services to non-profit organizations such as Landcare groups. The maps have proved useful for resource management and as support material for reports and grant applications. Other non-profit organizations may have use for maps in “how to get here brochures” or for training purposes. Maps can be provided by CCM in any of the standard graphical file formats (usually PDF) and georeferenced formats. Some of the other local maps that Jase has prepared are available via the CCM Examples page.
Friday 12th May 2017 – Linking landscapes at a time of climate change symposium
Posted on 10 April, 2017 by Connecting Country
Bookings are now open for the Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance’s second annual Symposium on Friday 12th May 2017 at the Bendigo Capital Theatre. Titled Linking landscapes at a time of climate change it will explore the concepts and practicalities of re-establishing ecological connectivity in the central Victorian landscape. It will be a chance hear the latest expert knowledge around how to design and deliver ecological connectivity.
The program will be headed by 4 of Australia’s leading conservation research scientists and practitioners;
- Dr Veronica Doerr – CSIRO AdaptNRM
- Professor Andrew Bennett (La Trobe University & Arthur Rylah Institute)
- Professor Ary Hoffman (Melbourne University)
- Dr Gary Howling (Great Eastern Ranges)
The Symposium will also provide the opportunity to hear lessons from inspiring, long established projects and hear about central Victorian projects with a focus on ecological connectivity.
- Cost $25 for members of Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance member organisations. $50 for others. Ticket price includes morning tea and lunch.
- CLICK HERE to register. Closes May 10th 2017.
- For further information contact Sophie Bickford: sophie@centralvicbiolinks.org.au
For program details visit the CVBA website.
2017 Camp-Out – Camping and Connecting with Country
Posted on 6 April, 2017 by Connecting Country
The beautiful Leanganook Campground on Mount Alexander set the scene for the Camp Out on The Mount over the weekend of 1-2 April 2017. Hosted by Connecting Country with Harcourt Valley Landcare and Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests, over eighty children and adults enjoyed a packed weekend of free environmental and cultural heritage education activities. Check out lots of fun photos at the end of this post!
To start the weekend, Trent Nelson of the Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation gave a Welcome to Country and Mount Alexander Shire Counsellor, Bronwen Machin, officially opened the Camp Out by cutting the pine tree ribbon.
A keen team of volunteer ‘Pine Assassins’ then headed down the road to Dog Rocks to treat feral pine trees. Experienced assassins mentored some new apprentices in drilling-and-filling and cutting-and-painting, and together they continued the work done at past Camp Outs controlling pines.
Back at the campground, families took part in engaging activities aimed at increasing understanding about the environment and Aboriginal culture. Parks Victoria ranger, Brendan Smith, ran through the importance of soils and showed how to propagate local indigenous plants, Aunty Julie McHale from Nalderun Aboriginal Services shared Aboriginal kids games, and Jirrahlinga Koala & Wildlife Sanctuary held kids in awe with their wild animal display.
Ahead of lunch Aunty Julie told the creation story of Bunjil and answered questions about Aboriginal language, stories, and food sources. Everyone then focused on setting up their tents, having a rest in the sun, and soaking in the beautiful place. Later, George Milford from Harcourt Valley Landcare Group did a wonderful job of entertaining adults and children alike with stories about the history of the Mount, both geological and human.
Harcourt Lions Club provided a delicious BBQ dinner and Muckleford Landcarers Beth, Neville, Nioka, Maisy, and Theo prepared damper for all the kids to cook on the communal campfire. A big thank-you to Juliet Walsh and Jenny and Paul Leishman for donating the firewood.
Brendan’s walk along the Great Dividing Trail allowed us to see, hear and smell the bush at night while looking for animals with nocturnal habits. We spotted one or two Brush-tailed Possums and heard a few bats flying overhead.
It was a chilly night for those who camped out, but well worth it for the beautiful sunrise on Sunday morning. Early risers were treated to a bird and nature walk with Connecting Country’s Tanya Loos. They learnt how to be ‘bush detectives’ by sneaking quietly and looking closely, and how to tell your Grey Fantail from a White-eared Honeyeater.
Combining environmental education with on-ground action and an appreciation of the local forests is something the Camp Out has managed to do each year. A small army of volunteers made this event happen and for this great effort we thank everyone who gave up their time and energy to provide an active and informative experience at Leanganook.
Connecting Country is looking forward revisiting the mount on Saturday 17th June 2017 for the Little Habitat Heroes planting day. We hope to see more young families learn about and look after nature on Mount Alexander.
Camp-out on the Mount 2017 was made possible with support from the Australian Government, the Victorian Landcare Initiative, the Harcourt Lions Club, Harcourt Valley Landcare Group, and the Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forest.
Biodiversity 2037 has been released
Posted on 6 April, 2017 by Connecting Country
The Victorian Government has released Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037. According to representatives from DEWLP the plan “establishes a long-term vision and goals. Specific targets have been developed to deliver on these goals”. Connecting Country made a submission during the the development of this document. To see this submission please click here.
An Implementation Plan to accompany Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037 is in development and due for release in 2017.
For more information: and view or download the new biodiversity plan visit: www.environment.vic.gov.au
Now open: Biodiversity On-ground Action – Community & Volunteer Action Grants
Posted on 6 April, 2017 by Connecting Country
Grant applications are now open for the Biodiversity On-ground Action – Community & Volunteer Action Grants.
The Community & Volunteer Action grants:
- are offering funding for projects between $5,000 and $50,000,
- include the option of single or multi-year projects, and
- have a broad biodiversity focus.
Funding of up to $1 million is available for these grants in 2017.
Who can apply: Community groups/networks and not-for-profit organisations primarily focused on environmental projects such as biodiversity conservation or habitat protection and restoration projects.
Grants close: midnight 10 May 2017
Further information: www.environment.vic.gov.au/communityaction
Nature News March 2017 – Feng Shui in the Muckleford Bush
Posted on 5 April, 2017 by Connecting Country
For this month’s Nature News on page 42 of this week’s (4th April) Midland Express, Muckleford Landcarer Beth Mellick describes her family’s journey of living with nature they settle into life on a ten acre bush block in Muckleford – birds, plants and all.
A few years ago we found a beautiful wooded property in Muckleford and had a rammed earth house built so that it nestles into the bush. We’ve since grown to love the dry forest, the crackling leaf litter underfoot, and the fields of wildflowers in spring.
Many properties like ours have dams that are no longer used for stock or irrigation. These dams now act as wetlands to support biodiversity, and there are simple things that can be done to increase habitat for frogs and birds, as well as protecting the edges and caring for water quality.
Despite our freshly filled dam drying out fast, we’ve had groups of White-necked herons appearing on dusk, we’ve seen the illusive Painted Button-Quail running around, and several families of ducks have bred up there. A healthy, wildlife-vibrant dam is good ‘feng shui’ for your property.
Another delight is a birdbath tucked under a Cherry Ballart that we can watch from the dining table. Busy little Thornbills, Weebills, Pardalotes, Silvereyes, and Wrens love the mornings, while Wattlebirds, Rosellas, Choughs, and Bronzewings fight for space in the evenings. It is so popular a drinking spot that we’ve had to place a second birdbath underneath to keep everyone happy.
Coming up to planting season this year, we are preparing to put in some small shrubs like tree violets and a little Sheoak and Banksia grove – all important species that have ‘dropped out’ of the system.
My family and I are lucky to work with terrific local groups like the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club, Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests, Connecting Country, and Muckleford Landcare who all run field days and workshops, and produce useful resources about the box ironbark forest in which we live.
We’re a pretty busy family, and it’s hard to do everything. But we know it’s crucial to make time to take care of the bush. Landowners have a duty of care for the land – to ensure that what native habitat we have left is protected and enhanced to support a whole range of critters. Clearing properties leaves you with an ugly slab of dirt and, eventually, a lot weeds to combat – certainly not good property ‘feng shui’!
Muckleford Landcare will be running a workshop on how to restore habitat in wetland areas soon. CLICK HERE to see their website for more details. You could also attend Connecting Country’s Water in our Landscape workshop series in April and May. CLICK HERE for more information and bookings.

Beth’s kids enjoying the dam almost as much as the White-necked Herons do. Photo taken by: Beth Mellick
7th April 2017 – Listen to the Inevitable Batgirl!
Posted on 29 March, 2017 by Connecting Country
The guest speaker for the April meeting of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club is local bat ecologist, Emmi van Harten (a.k.a. Emmi Scherlies).
Local PhD student, Emmi van Harten is fascinated with the world of bats. For the past two years she has been researching the critically endangered southern bent-wing bat in South Australia. With the help of 45 volunteers, Emmi has microchipped almost 2000 bats and is shedding light on the lives of these elusive mammals to inform recovery of the population.
During the presentation, Emmi will share stories about bats, her research and the findings so far, as well as her inevitable transformation into ‘Batgirl’. The story will start and end here, in the box-ironbark forests around Castlemaine, Victoria.
Unusually, the meeting is being held on the first Friday of the month (7 April), due to a clash with easter on the second Friday. It is being held at the normal location – in the Fellowship Room within the hall behind the Uniting Church on Lyttleton St in Castlemaine (next door to the Art Gallery/Museum). Doors open from 7.15pm, with the meeting starting from 7.30pm. Members and visitors welcome and encouraged to come along, and there is no cost for entry.
Emmi is a good friend of Connecting Country, having assisted us a couple of years ago with a review of different revegetation techniques and their success rates. Last year she gave an engaging talk to the Newstead Landcare group about her previous research on Powerful Owls. This talk on bats promises to be a great one as well.
Water in our Landscape workshops – registrations now open!
Posted on 28 March, 2017 by Connecting Country
Water can have a powerful impact on our landscape. If we can slow flows and retain water for longer we can improve soil fertility, habitat quality and reduce erosion. How we might achieve this is the theme for Connecting Country’s 2017 ‘Water in our Landscape’ education program. Three workshops will explore habitat creation in dams, ecological thinning, and gully restoration.
The free Friday morning workshops are being held on public and private land in late April and early May. They are likely to be popular with rural landholders, bush block owners, and local Landcarers. Numbers are limited and booking is essential.
Turning your Dam into Habitat – 21st of April 2017
This workshop features local ecologist, Damien Cook, who will discuss the possibilities and practical steps of turning farm dams into habitat. Participants will learn how to reap the benefits of establishing more wetland plants and animals on their properties. For bookings please visit: https://www.trybooking.com/257169
Ecological Thinning on Bush Blocks- 5th of May 2017
This workshop is designed for those interested in the benefits, challenges, and approaches to ecological thinning remnant vegetation. Participants will visit a four year old thinning trial in Muckleford and will hear from ecologist, Paul Foreman, and local contractor, David Griffiths, about this fascinating pilot project. For bookings please visit: https://www.trybooking.com/270332
Creating Frog ponds and Habitat Corridors – 19th of May 2017
This workshop highlights the approach of the Victoria Gully Group in seeing possibilities and setting priorities for the ecological restoration of the gully. This session is designed to help people to make decisions about land use and habitat creation in low-lying areas. For bookings please visit: https://www.trybooking.com/270312
CLICK HERE for more information about the workshops or CLICK HERE to download a copy of the poster.
Saturday 8th April 2017: Farm Fencing Course for Beginners
Posted on 23 March, 2017 by Connecting Country
Ever needed to repair an old fence, or build a new one, but didn’t know how? Connecting Country would like to share the details of a beginners farm fencing course that is coming up on a local farm, Hillside Acres, on Saturday 8th April 2017 from 9am-3pm. Participants will construct a brand new farm fence in a small group and be under instruction of a experienced local farmer and teacher. The cost is $95. For bookings and further information email: info@hillsideacres.com.au.
Catch a festival glimpse of Dja Dja Wurrung Country by Eliza Tree
Posted on 23 March, 2017 by Connecting Country
While the State Festival is on, we hope you find some time to visit Eliza Tree’s exhibition titled Dja Dja Wurrung Country at Morell Gallery on 139 Mostyn St Castlemaine. The gallery is open from 12-5pm until the 25th March 2017. Eliza kindly donated the use of her stunning painting for the cover of our 2015-16 Annual Report and this exhibition gives the opportunity to see it in the flesh.
Guardians assemble! A new group of custodians is formed…
Posted on 22 March, 2017 by Tanya Loos
The special bird habitats of Clydesdale, Sandon and Muckleford now have a small team of Guardians! These three areas, of both private and public land, are designated as Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) by BirdLife International, and BirdLife Australia.
Connecting Country held a workshop on Saturday 18 March 2017 to recruit KBA guardians and provide training in filling out an Easter Heath Check form each year. Birdlife Victoria KBA coordinator Euan Moore and his wife Jenny kindly took some time out from their busy schedule to present a comprehensive introduction to KBAs, and how to become a Guardian.

The open bushland around the hall was filled with birds – despite being rather hot, we saw a Diamond Firetail, a Mistletoebird and a pair of Peaceful doves – 20 species in all!
There are over 300 KBAs in Australia – and the Easter Health Check is a means to working out which KBAs are in danger – so that lobbying can be done and funding procured. For example, recently the Murray-Sunset and Hattah KBA was saved from an inappropriate burning regime that had reduced the population of tiny, rare birds called emu-wrens by such a drastic degree that they had become critically endangered.
In the case of our Key Biodiversity Areas, the Easter Health check is a means for locals to come together and try to quantify the threats facing our woodland birds and their habitats. Each KBA has what are known as “trigger species” – the key species that are under threat in that habitat – in our area, the trigger species are the Diamond Firetail and Swift Parrot. During the workshop there was much discussion around what these threats are, and the rate that they are causing declines in the Diamond Firetail. A fascinating process! Drought featured heavily, as did grazing, and pest animals such as European Rabbits, Red Foxes, and cats, both feral and domestic.
Connecting Country’s Stewards for Woodland Birds project is delighted to support the Easter Health Check initiative. The Health Checks filled in by our guardians will form the basis for a series of community plans for each area – Clydesdale, Sandon and Muckleford.
If you were unable to make it to the workshop but would still like to be involved – contact us! Not only birdos are needed for this process – anyone with understanding of our local habitats, the trials faced, and the communities working to address these threats is welcome to take part. At the workshop it was decided to form a small Guardians email list so that people can stay in touch – let Tanya know if you wish to be added to the list. Email tanya@connectingcountry.org.au or call 5472 1594.
Thanks to Euan and Jenny for an inspiring and informative workshop – and many thanks to the enthusiastic participants! For more information on KBAs, see BirdLife’s overview: click here
The KBA workshop and the Stewards for Woodland Birds Program are supported by the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust.
Nalderun Cultural Awareness Evening
Posted on 20 March, 2017 by Asha
Uncle Rick Nelson, Aunty Julie McHale, and Kath Coff are inviting community members and Landcare groups to The Meeting Place on Monday the 3rd April 2017 to learn about local Aboriginal culture, history, and land management. Hosted by Connecting Country and Nalderun, this will be a unique evening for learning and understanding.
Nalderun is a local service that supports the Aboriginal Community, lead by Aboriginal people, through Castlemaine District Community Health. It is named after a Dja Dja Wurrung word meaning “Altogether”.
- When: Monday April 3rd 2017 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm
- Where: The Meeting Place (old Yapeen School site), Yapeen School Lane, Yapeen
- Bring: a plate of supper to share, drinks will be provided
RSVP to asha@connectingcountry.org.au if you would like to attend, or call (03) 5472 1594 and ask for Asha if you have any questions.

Looking out from Dja Dja Wurrung property Yapenya at Connecting Country’s Cultural Awareness Landcare Link-up in Feb 2017
Linking Landcare and Aboriginal Culture
Posted on 15 March, 2017 by Asha
When you look across the landscape, can you see where Myndie the Rainbow Serpent travelled? You can at Yapenya, aka Mount Barker, which is Dja Dja Wurrung owned and managed land near Harcourt. For our February 2017 Landcare Link-up, the Dja Dja Wurrung Corporation invited Landcare group representatives from the Mount Alexander Region Network to visit Yapenya and go on a cultural journey with Jida Gulpilil. “Love, share, and care” were his three key words for looking after the land we live on.

Jida began by welcoming us with a smoking ceremony, explaining that he does this every time he goes on country.
We followed the contour of the land throughout the day, exploring different sites of significance across the hills and the stories behind them. We stopped at shaded spots and lookouts where Jida shared stories of local Aboriginal culture and history with the group. Jida explained the importance of leaving culturally significant sites undisturbed by walking around them rather than through. Looking out at an amazing view to the east, Jida pointed out where Myndie the Rainbow Serpent traveled towards Leanganook, leaving a trail behind. If you look at the photo below, you might be able to see the trail running up the middle of the hill.
After some questions, everyone headed back down to a beautiful lunch prepared by our local Murnong Mammas, who incorporated some bush tucker into the meal. The peach and Kakadu plum cake went down particularly well! Big thank yous to the Murnong Mammas, Jida, and the Dja Dja Wurrung Corporation.
This event was part of Connecting Country’s Landcare Adapting to Change 2017 project, funded by the North Central Catchment Management Authority’s Community Grants Program.
It’s State Festival Time – Plant a seed for us!
Posted on 15 March, 2017 by Connecting Country
Ever felt concerned that your contribution to the world might be too small to make a difference? Connecting Country has partnered with Carbon Arts this month at the Castlemaine State Festival for the Garden of Earthly Delights – a giant, interactive artwork that visualises and empowers community action on the environment.
Electronic artist and creative technologist, Pierre Proske, and illustrator, Catherine the Firth, have created this playful, virtual gardening exercise. Over the course of 10 days, festival goers in Castlemaine, Victoria will be invited to plant their ‘seeds of change’ and witness as a flowering vine takes over a local municipal building.
With generous support from the Hub Foundation and the Mount Alexander Sustainability Group, the project also showcases the achievements of local environmental organisations working towards a zero emissions shire. Check the Castlemaine State Festival’s program for interaction times.
Singing from Country at the State Festival
Posted on 15 March, 2017 by Asha
The Singing from Country concert will be on as part of the Castlemaine State Festival next week. The concert will include songs by songwriters Kavisha Mazzella, Neil Murray, Carl Punnuzzo, and Eva Popov. The songs were written to honour old knowledge and celebrate the fragile and beautiful ecosystems that sustain our lives. They feature Leanganook and the Little Habitat Heroes project, the Loddon River, Dja Dja Wurrung culture, and more. Songwriters will perform with several of our local community choirs, including Peace Choir, Chatwarblers, and children from The Meeting Place.
Details: Wednesday 22nd March 2017, 6:00pm | Castlemaine Presbyterian Church | $30 – $33
Bookings: http://castlemainefestival.com.au/
As a sneak preview, here is the lyrics and a link to the beautiful song written by singer/songwriter Eva Popov inspired by Little Habitat Heroes. https://soundcloud.com/jodinew/seeds-that-grow
What did this land look like before
All the roads and all the gold
When the spirit of the dreaming
Held this country
There’s no going back
But there’s those who know
The seeds we plant now
Are the seeds that grow
From Leanganook
To the fields below
The seeds we plant now
Are the seeds that grow
There’s a memory in each seed
That holds the heart
Of an ancient tree
Grows to shelter
All the birds and
Connect the country
There’s no going back
But there’s those who know
The seeds we plant now
Are the seeds that grow
From Leanganook
To the fields below
The seeds we plant now
Are the seeds that grow
Healing takes work
Healing takes time
Healing takes hands
These hands of mine
To connect the land
From what once was
To what could be
There’s no going back
But there’s those who know
The seeds we plant now
Are the seeds that grow
Experience the Tarkine in Bendigo
Posted on 15 March, 2017 by Connecting Country
There is a lot going on in town at the moment but Connecting Country would like to share news of a beautiful exhibition and related events coming up in Bendigo in March 2017. Supported by the Bob Brown Foundation these events showcase and chronicle over 70 artist’s responses to the very beautiful Tarkine Forests. Pop along and experience a little bit of Tasmanian wilderness in Bendigo.
Pop-up Exhibition
Time: 25 March 10am to 26 March 4pm
Location: Dudley House 60 View St Bendigo
Artist Talks
Tarkine in Motion artist Olivia Hickey
3:30pm Saturday 25 March
10:30am Sunday 26 March
Location: Dudley House 60 View St Bendigo
Movie Screening
Tarkine in Motion documentary
Time: 26 March at 1pm-2:30pm
Location: Latrobe Arts Institute (formally known as the Visual Arts Centre) 121 View St, Bendigo (opposite the Capitol Theatre) short walk from the fountain.
Tickets: By gold coin donation
Kindly supported by Latrobe University, this is a special film screening of Tarkine in Motion an annual arts project in 2015 organized by The Bob Brown Foundation, and documented by Dan Broun.
In April 2015, over 70 photographers, filmmakers, musicians and artists journeyed into the Tarkine to document and interpret its wild, scenic beauty as never before. From that weekend comes this stunning 55-minute documentary portrait of this threatened wilderness and the creative minds working to save it. Curated by Tasmanian wilderness photographer and film maker, Dan Broun and the Bob Brown Foundation, Tarkine In Motion is a multi-platform project culminating in film, concerts and exhibitions of art created in the heart of the Tarkine, one of the last great wilderness areas on the planet.
This documentary screening will be accompanied by environmental shorts and a Question and Answer session from speakers who are working to protect the Tarkine and have tales to share, including suggestions for how you too can be involved.
You can watch the trailer here:
Instructive short film about pine treatment
Posted on 8 March, 2017 by Connecting Country

Watch our video and register your interest in becoming a pine assassin later in the year at the Camp Out.
This instructive short film (3 minutes) was shot last year by our multi-talented staff, Alex and Mel, and takes the viewer through the effective treatment of weedy pine trees using the drill and fill method.
Pine trees (Pinus radiata) are not native to Australia, but have been widely planted in parks, gardens, as windbreaks on farms and in commercial plantations. However, they also have the tendency to go wild and spread into native bushland – with detrimental impacts on indigenous flora and fauna. This video demonstrates one approach to controlling those specimens that have gone feral.
Watching the video will be useful for those attending the Camp Out on the Mount weekend on the 1-2nd April. The Harcourt Valley Landcare Group will present at the Camp Out and, depending on interest, will be running pine assassin missions on the Mount later in the year.
The film can be found in our weed specific treatment resources page under ‘Pine’. Please watch the video and, while you’re at the Camp Out, register your interest in becoming a pine assassin later in the year!
March 2017 edition North Central Chat
Posted on 8 March, 2017 by Connecting Country
CLICK HERE to view the March 2017 edition of the North Central Chat. This month’s edition features Waterwatch news and the details for the upcoming 2017 Future Farming Expo. It also has details about the Camp Out on the Mount event that Connecting Country are running on 1-2 April 2017, see if you can find it!