Butterflies and Moths of Central Victoria – Baynton Sidonia Landcare group’s first seminar for 2015
Posted on 3 March, 2015 by Connecting Country
“Who does not love butterflies?” is the question that ecologist Julie Whitfield poses before she enumerates all the reasons that we should value butterflies. Among them: pollination services that they provide; being part of the food chain for birds, other insects and frogs; and simply being beautiful.
Julie will be the speaker at a seminar organized by Baynton Sidonia Landcare group on Sunday 29th March 2015 from 1.30 pm to 4.00 at the Baynton Hall, Darlington Road, Baynton.
The seminar is entitled “Butterflies and Moths of Central Victoria” and there will be an illustrated talk that will range over identification, conservation and useful resources.
The illustrated talk will be followed by a hands on workshop which, sadly, has restricted numbers. The workshop runs from 4.15 to 5.30 pm at the same venue. The workshop will include learning the process of identifying a pinned (i.e. dead) specimen and each participant will receive a bundle of resources to take home and a butterfly-friendly seedling.
You are welcome to book for both sections of the seminar, but please note that landholders of the Baynton Sidonia area will be given preference for the restricted number of places in the hands on workshop.
Afternoon tea will be served during the seminar. The event is free and children are welcome. Booking is essential by contacting Clare on 54 234 152 or clare@knco.net by Thursday March 26th.
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