Barkers Creek Cleanup: funding now available!
Posted on 10 June, 2012 by Connecting Country
A partnership between Barkers Creek Landcare Network, North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) and Connecting Country will see some landholders along Barkers Creek receive funding support for controlling woody weeds on their properties.
Barkers Creek Project Officer, Michael Luke, has been visiting local landholders along the creek to help them develop management plans to control gorse and blackberries on their properties. He is also working closely with the three groups comprising the Barkers Creek Landcare Network – North Harcourt/Sedgwick Landcare Group, Harcourt Valley Landcare Group and the Barkers Creek Landcare and Wildlife Group – in the development of a ‘Local Action Plan’ for the creek.
Michael says “We have been very pleased with the number of landholders who have contacted us recently and it is great to see locals becoming more involved with the health of the creek. Thanks to the North Central CMA, there are funds available to provide dollar for dollar support for landholders against the cost of targeted weed control for these two noxious species. However, funding is limited, so we suggest that anyone who lives next to Barkers Creek to contact us as soon as possible.”
Nicole Bullen, from North Central CMA, says “As part of the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country (CfoC) initiative, the North Central CMA is continuing to support the community to undertake environmental flood recovery projects through the Natural Disaster Environmental Recovery project with a major focus on the control of Weeds of National Significance.”
To get involved or to find out more call Michael now on 5472 1594 or email

Barkers Creek Cleanup Project Officer, Michael Luke, showing community members a weed-infested area in the Barkers Creek locality.
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