A Helping Hand for Vulnerable Phascolgales
Posted on 24 October, 2011 by Connecting Country
Local resident and volunteer Cathy McCallum wrote the following report about Bryan McMullan’s recent visit to Baringhup.
On Friday students and staff from Baringhup Primary School and Baringhup Landcare learnt a lot more about phascogales from Bryan McMullan. Bryan is the Nesting Box Monitoring Project officer for Connecting Country and he was happy to explain his role and the vulnerability of this delightful native marsupial at the same time as he managed to erect the specially designed nesting boxes into position three metres up the trunks of our magnificent red gums along the river.
Bryan was replacing two nesting boxes swept away when the Loddon River flooded in January 2011. He placed another six boxes in Baringhup properties, one of them rescued from Rob & Kerry Jennings property after the floods. Another box has completely disappeared. The students showed a keen interest in the phascogales’ plight with many questions asked and skillfully answered by Bryan. The boxes will house any adolescent phascolgales who move into our area after being ousted from their habitat by the dominant members of their family.
Phascogales forage over a very large area, the female 20 -70 ha and the male 100ha which means only small populations can exist in large areas of habitat. When the autumn check of the existing nesting boxes took place, Bryan was pleased to report the nesting box program had already provided habitat for an extra seven families of phascolgales. We are all hoping that one day these beautiful marsupials will find a home in a box in Baringhup.
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