23 Oct – Connecting Country’s Annual General Meeting
Posted on 6 October, 2012 by Connecting Country
When: From 7pm, Tuesday 23rd October
Where: Garden Room, Buda Historic Homestead, 42 Hunter St, Castlemaine
Please join us in some wine and supper and celebrate our previous 12 months of Connecting Country. During the formalities of the AGM, we will be hearing from the President Marie Jones, receiving updates from the Treasurer Elvyne Hogan and electing the Committee of Management for next 12 months. The full AGM agenda can be downloaded here. The minutes from the previous AGM are available here.
In addition, we shall have special guest speakers – with the details on these to follow soon. Refreshments will be served afterwards.
If you are interested in being on the Connecting Country Committee of Management, or nominating someone else, the committee nomination form can be downloaded here. Completed forms must be posted to Secretary/Public Officer, Connecting Country Inc., PO Box 437, Castlemaine VIC 3450 by the 16 October 2012. Alternatively, a scanned copy can be emailed to the Secretary/Public Officer of Connecting Country (april.merrick@dahltrust.org.au). (NB: For those that received a copy of the nomination form in the mail, it has an incorrect return postal address on it – it should be PO Box 437 not 347. Please let us know if you’ve already posted it to 347).
It’s also time to renew your membership for the 2012-13 year! Although membership is free, existing Connecting Country members still need to renew their membership on an annual basis. New membership applications are also encouraged. In order to do this, the following documents can be downloaded:
- Individual membership application form – which can be posted back, or filled out on the night
- Individual membership renewal form – which can be posted or emailed back, or also filled out on the night
For AGM catering purposes, please RSVP to naomi@connectingcountry.org.au or call Naomi or Chris on 5472 1594 by Tuesday the 16th of October.
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