Barkers Creek Local Action Plan – your feedback sought
Posted on 14 September, 2012 by Connecting Country
The draft Barkers Creek Local Action Plan is a synthesis of the aspirations of three Landcare groups and the ideas of forty community members. The plan is now available for public comment and feedback.
Barkers Creek Clean-up Project Officer, Michael Luke commented that the ‘Local Action Plan is a big part of the Barkers Creek Clean-up Project. It has been developed in conjunction with the Barkers Creek Landcare Network and the local landholders who live along the length of the creek. We had over 40 people attend the community workshop in June. We wanted to find out what is important to the local community about Barkers Creek and what suggestions they have for the future management of the creek. We were very excited when twenty-five project concepts came out of the workshop. This draft Local Action Plan has been developed directly from those proposals.’
The Barkers Creek Landcare Network consists of the Barkers Creek Landcare and Wildlife, Harcourt Valley and the North Harcourt/Sedgwick Landcare groups, and receives support from Conencting Country. Once finalised, the Local Action Plan will help the three local Landcare groups to plan their activities into the future, and also to assist them in applying for grants and future funding opportunities. It will also be a useful resource for landholders and other community members living along and near the creek.
The draft plan is available for public comment and feedback. The plan can be downloaded here. For more information about the project or to provide comments and feedback about the plan, email or call 5472 1594. Comments close on the 28th of September. If you are a landholder along the creek and have not contacted us before – please get in touch!
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