3 June 2011 – ‘Recreating the Country’ Field Day
Posted on 22 May, 2011 by Connecting Country
The Ballarat Region Treegrowers is hosting ‘Recreating the Country’ Field Day on Friday 3 June 2011 at the ImLal Biorich Demonstration site (VicRoads Country Directory Map 77 ref B4). The day starts at 10am and finishes at 4.15pm.
Recreating the Country is a new model of revegetation that integrates conservation with production. This new model aims to enrich habitat potential across rural Landscapes, not just for a lifetime, but for centuries to come. The field day will involve talks and site tours by conservation and farm forestry experts. Download the flyer here for further information.
If there is sufficient interest from community members, the North Central CMA is planning on organising a bus from Bendigo to the field day site. For further information or to register your interest in attending the field day via bus please contact Ashley Beven, Regional Landcare Facilitator, North Central CMA by Friday 27 May 2011:
Phone: (03) 5440 1864
Mobile: 0428 508 726
Email: ashley.beven@nccma.vic.gov.au