Report of 28 March Reference Group meeting
Posted on 6 April, 2011 by Connecting Country
On the 28 March, the first Connecting Country Reference Group Meeting for 2011 was a pleasurable and informative event. Representatives from a range of local groups and organisations were willing to contribute with their thoughts, ideas and suggestions to support the Connecting Country project team and Committee of Management in its efforts to connect people and landscapes through this area.
Connecting Country President Marie Jones welcomed everyone and introduced the project team. Marie gave a brief background to Connecting Country’s current position, including its activities over recent months, and also provided an overview of the major project underway (on-ground enhancement works, ecological monitoring and community engagement).
Through a “round table” session, all attendees at the meeting then had an opportunity to highlight what Connecting Country has done well (e.g. the previous year’s Woodland Course and speaker events), where they could do better and/or are improving (e.g. communications through the website, child-friendly events), and some things that people would like to see happen (e.g. highlighting Connecting Country’s projects and activities at local events and markets, bus tours or display days for local Landcare groups and similar groups to share information).
The Connecting Country project team highlighted the achievements from 2009/2010 (the report is available on the website), and then gave an update on the on ground enhancement part of the project, the monitoring of the nest boxes for Brush-tailed Phascogales and other hollow-dependent fauna and described the planned 2011 Ecology Course and other education events.