Mapping Wheel Cactus Infestations in Victoria
Posted on 10 August, 2016 by Connecting Country

Wheel cactus infestations can reduce productivity and biodiversity.
The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group Inc. (TCCG) are attempting to map wheel cactus (Opuntia robusta) infestations within Victoria. The results of this project will show the gravity and significance of the invasion of this noxious weed within our state.
Wheel cactus is classified as a Weed of National Significance due to the very serious threat it poses to our primary industries and natural environment. It spreads very quickly and is costly and difficult to effectively destroy and control.
You can help the TCCG map existing infestations. If any community member finds an infestation of cactus they believe is wheel cactus, please take a photo of it and record its location (GPS if possible) and email these to Max, at He’ll confirm that the plant is wheel cactus and use this very helpful information on the map.
Wheel cactus is not Prickly Pear, although it is a close cousin and is often mistaken as the same cactus. Wheel cactus has very round and flat lobes, is covered in long spines and is a dull, green colour. Please check out the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group website at for more pictures and information.
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