Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Upcoming events in February 2016

Posted on 2 February, 2016 by Connecting Country

After a quiet period through December 2015 and January 2016, there are an abundance of interesting new activities occurring locally during February and into March that are being coordinated by a range of other groups and individuals.  Some are directly related to obtaining a better understanding the local landscapes from a conservation perspective, and other events address different approaches to sustainable farming.  Below is a summary in chronological order, with links to further information.

Glacial geology – Public lecture (Friday 12 Feb) and Field excursion (Sat 13 Feb)
Professor Julian Hollis will be guest speaker at the February meeting of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club, with the topic of his talk being ‘Permian Glacial Features’.  The talk will commence from 7.30pm in the hall behind the Uniting Church on Lyttleton St Castlemaine (next door to the Art Gallery and Museum).  Everyone is welcome to attend, and there is no cost for entry.  Professor Hollis will also lead an excursion on the next day to the Upper Coliban Reservoir.

Rabbit Control Day – Sunday 14 February
On this date from 8.45am to 1pm, the Ravenswood Valley Landcare Group are co-hosting an information session and practical field demonstration event on control methods for the European Rabbit.  It is being held at the North Harcourt Hall.  For more information and RSVP details, follow this link (CLICK HERE).

Farm adaptation with Australian sandalwood – Wednesday 24 February
Ben Boxshall and Tim Barden are running an information session in Castlemaine about Sandalwood.  From the event flyer, it says “A unique and versatile crop, sandalwood can allow you to build an appreciating asset using production systems that enhance soils and biodiversity, and complement your existing enterprise.  Sustainable, adaptable and drought-tolerant, this is a land use that can deliver both land protection and profit on a range of sites and soils.”  Entry is $35, and there is more information available from this link (CLICK HERE).

‘Polyfaces’ – film screening on Saturday 27 February
Polyfaces is a film produced by the ‘Regarians‘, which has two showings at the Theatre Royal in Castlemaine on 27 February in conjunction with a local food festival.
From their website, ‘Polyfaces’ is a joyful film about connecting to the land and the community. Produced over 4 years it follows the Salatin’s, a 4th generation farming family who do ‘everything different to everyone else’ as they produce food in a way that works with nature, not against it.’.  Trailers of the film are available on the Polyfaces website (CLICK HERE).  We here at Connecting Country have yet not viewed the film.  However the trailer and promos suggest that it has some new ideas to contribute about sustainable farming, soil management and carbon sequestration, which may be of interest to local landholders.

Introduction to Bee-keeping course – Tuesdays from 1 to 22 March
Connecting Country has been chatting with Daniel Bee Shepherd about management options for the occasional swarms of honeybees which take over the nest boxes that we’ve installed across the local landscape for the Brush-tailed Phascogale.  Daniel is passionate about bees and bee-keeping, and we’ve always found him to be very open and forthcoming in sharing his knowledge.  For four consecutive Tuesdays in March, Daniel is running a introductory course on beekeeping through Castlemaine Continuing Education.  Follow this link for further information and registration details (CLICK HERE).





One response to “Upcoming events in February 2016”

  1. David Cheal says:

    Many thanks for this. What a fascinating variety of topics coming up. Much appreciated. My only complaint is that I now have an essential piece of reading whenever the monthly ‘What’s on’ from CC turns up. Still, the telly news is usually depressing anyway, so I now have a positive alternative. Very grateful here.

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