Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

1 March 2015 – Join us for The Big Picture in Sutton Grange

Posted on 20 February, 2015 by Connecting Country

Inspired to do, say, and learn something more after the Workshop launch? 

Connecting Country’s autumn workshop series kicks off a week after the Bill Gammage launch, with the first session on Sunday 1 March 2015, 10.30 to 3.30pm, at Sutton Grange. “The Big Picture” will provide an overview of the indigenous and post-colonisation history of our region, using a very special Sutton Grange farming property as the setting.  Access to this private property is rarely available, and so this is a one-off opportunity to see some amazing natural and cultural features.  Guided by expert presenters, participants will gain a better understanding of the land-use history (inc. social, political influences) that shaped our landscapes, from before European settlement through to today.  There are some places for participants still available for this session.

After “The Big Picture”, we’ll bring the lens down slightly further on Friday March 27. “Making Connections”, again in Sutton Grange, will look at landscape ecology and how – and where – landholders can create or enhance habitats areas on their property to benefit wildlife movements, in this case, woodland birds.

Our third session on Sunday April 19, “To Plant or Not to Plant” will get down at ground level to consider the pros and cons of revegetation – what method to use (natural regeneration, tubestock, direct seeding) and how to do it, as well as the plant species to choose.

The final session on Friday May 8, will look at how to evaluate the success, or progress, of your restoration project. “Nature’s Stocktake” will look at ‘landscape health’ and take it’s pulse with ways to benchmark, monitor and evaluate, before, during and ‘after’ your project.

The autumn workshop series will take place in the eastern part of the region, while our  spring workshops are to mostly occur in the west.  The workshops are aimed at people who are managing areas of 4ha/10 acres or more on their own properties – or as part of a Landcare group – and so first preference will be given to those people.  However, the first workshop should be of interest to anyone across the region. Places are limited, so register early.  (Lunch, drinks and other snacks will be provided at each workshop from the locally-renowned Castlemaine Abundance Kitchen Enterprise – CAKE. Education materials, hand-outs and other resources will also be provided.)

Still keen to know more?

Click on the Education and Resources section and you can be a virtual work-shopper.

For more information contact or 5472 1594.



2 responses to “1 March 2015 – Join us for The Big Picture in Sutton Grange”

  1. chris says:

    Hi Anthony,
    If you contact Janet in the next day or two, she’ll be able to let you know whether there are any spaces available. In the meantime, if you click on the colored text above, which says “register early” this will take you to the registration form – which has more details.
    All the best, Chris

  2. anthony greaves says:

    I’m interested in attending this event. Any more details?

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