Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Taking the Big Picture

Posted on 16 April, 2014 by Connecting Country

The past informs the future. The natural and social history – and their interconnections – of this region have had an important, and often negative, impact on our natural environment.

Understanding where you and your property fit within these contexts means you can be more informed to make positive decisions and actions to address declining biodiversity. This was the background to our first workshop session, “The Big Picture” (Sunday April 6th), held at Welshmans Reef.

Thanks to property holders Brian and Robin Rebbechi for providing an ideal location to interpret and discuss the history and potential future for this site.

Guided by Deirdre Slattery and Ian Higgins, we moved between scales; from the broader landscape, down to the property level, and back, exploring the landuse history and vegetation changes over time at Welshmans Reef.

More information, photos and links from the session as well as Jules Walsh’s summary of the session can be found here

Ian Higgins discusses vegetation classes for the property

Ian Higgins discusses vegetation classes for the property

Deirdre Slattery guides participants through the complex history of the property

Deirdre Slattery guides participants through the complex history of the property

For more information: or 5472 1594.

2 responses to “Taking the Big Picture”

  1. teresa castley says:

    hello –
    wish i could have made it to the ‘big picture’, it sounded great – just tried to read about it but the links weren’t working, thort i’d better let you know,

    • chris says:

      Hi Teresa,
      Thanks for your feedback.
      Unfortunately, we only have a small number of places for these workshop events. However, we’ll be aiming to provide as much relevant material from each workshop as we are able on our website afterwards.
      I see what you mean about the links. We’ll work on them ASAP to get them up and running again.

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