Priority and Planning Workshop
Posted on 15 October, 2008 by Connecting Country
Connecting Country’s workshop held in the Chewton Town Hall saw more than forty people have their knowledge and interest recorded about the potential for landscape restoration in the Mount Alexander Shire. Community people interested in the environment along with some agency representatives were taken through the steps of identifying natural resource management works that are already happening in the shire and then went on to look at areas that have the possibilities for future restoration works.
Large maps were used to identify current projects in the shire as well as other areas that have the potential to be connected with background information provided about existing vegetation, on ground works that had been done, areas of native vegetation significance, threatened species and where there is community interest.
This information will be presented back to the community in the next few weeks for further input and will then form the framework for the Biodiversity Blueprint that is to launched early in November. This Biodiversity Blueprint will be able to be kept up to date on Connecting Country’s website as new information and projects take place.
Many issues were discussed with change being the issue that impacted on everything – climate, land use, planning, the importance of ecosystems, management of natural resources, land managers etc. There was a feeling of excitement along with the feeling that things will improve and we will all benefit when we work towards the common goal of improving the management of our natural resources – to do this we need to connect the people as well as the country.