6 September 2014 – Do you have a head-scratching plant?
Posted on 28 August, 2014 by Connecting Country
Do you have a head-scratching plant on your place?
That’s a plant which looks like it might be a weed – but you’re not sure. And you don’t want to pull it out in case it’s a nice friendly native – but you don’t want to leave it there if it’s a going to take over the place in a couple of years!

Often we want to know what a plant is when it is still very small and easy to control – like these Cape Broom (Genista monspessullana) seedlings coming up in a Castlemaine garden.
If that scenario sounds familiar to you, then ‘Landcare in The Library’ can help! On Saturday 6th September there will be a ‘Weed or Native?’ plant identification drop-in session in the Castlemaine Library foyer between 10am and 2pm.
Experienced local botanists Paul Foreman, Ern Perkins, Bonnie Humphries & Karl Just will be on hand during the session to help solve your mystery plant woes. Just bring along some sample leaves/flowers/fruits from the plant you want identified. Alternatively you could bring some photographs of the plant.
Remember, if you don’t know what it is then it could be a native so don’t pull out the whole plant – samples are good! And if it’s an orchid you would like identified, just take some photos as they’re too vulnerable to be damaged.
While you’re there you can have a look at the range of botanical resources available at the library to help you in the future. There will also be free local flora guides, weed guides and other resources to take way.
Contact: Max Schlachter – 5472 1594 or max@connectingcountry.org.au.
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