26 April 2016 – Spiders of Castlemaine
Posted on 11 April, 2016 by Connecting Country
Local author, Lynne Kelly, published a very readable and enjoyable book in 2009 called ‘Spiders: Learning to Love Them‘. Lynne will be making a presentation to the Castlemaine Garden Club about her knowledge of spiders and their behaviour from Castlemaine and beyond. Lynne’s talk is on Tuesday 26 April. Visitors are welcome, but RSVPs must be provided due to limited seating available (cdgardenclub@gmail.com). A gold coin donation for entry is required to cover the costs of supper. The meeting is 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start at The Wesley Hill Hall, Duke Street, Castlemaine.
Lynne’s previous local presentation on spiders was in 2013 to the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club, and was very popular (click here for details).
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