25 March – Woody Weed Cutting and Painting Workshop
Posted on 13 March, 2012 by Connecting Country
Golden Point Landcare will be running a woody weed cutting and painting workshop on Sunday March 25th from 11.30am-12.30pm at the Prideaux/Billington property, Chapel Street, Golden Point. The workshop is part of the NCCMA and Victorian Government funded project Private Land Weed Control 2011.
Fritz Hammersley, the project officer, will be demonstrating cutting and painting technique for the control of Gorse, Blackberry and Broom and any other woody weeds and discussing how this method fits in with broader aspects of weed control. This event will not feature chainsaw use. Tools and equipment will be provided.
As the event is on private property and late morning tea will be provided, it is requested that anyone interested in participating RSVP Fritz on 0411566987 or email fritzham@bigpond.com by end of day Saturday March 24th.
Directions to the property will begin with signage on the corner of Llewellyn Rd and Golden Point Road, which is a little to the south of Expedition Pass Reservoir.

Fritz addressing participants at the Golden Point Landcare seed collection and sowing workshop in February. Photo: John Ellis
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