2023 National Tree Day: Community planting a huge success!
Posted on 14 August, 2023 by Hadley Cole
To celebrate 2023 National Tree Day, Connecting Country teamed up with Mount Alexander Shire Council, Mount Alexander Youth Advisory Group and the Post Office Hill Action Group to host a community planting day on Sunday 30 July 2023.
Community members had the opportunity to take local on-ground conservation action to protect and enhance biodiversity by planting indigenous plant species across sites at Post Office Hill Reserve in Chewton.
A recent Council survey found that the younger generations of our community are seeking opportunities to plant trees, make homes for wildlife and to undertake practical actions to address climate change. In response to this call for action, the community planting idea was conceived and the younger generations of our community came along in hordes to connect with nature and plant trees for generations to come.
Over seventy community members of all ages attended the event and enjoyed a range of activities from planting to badge making, colouring and bird walks.
Young Post Office Hill Action group member and budding bird watcher Tavish, teamed up with Jane Rusden from Birdlife Castlemaine to guide a bird walk for aspiring bird watchers. Youth Advisory group members, Thea, Billy, Lucia and Tanisha, set up a badge-making station to create badges promoting woodland birds of our region. The friendly Post Office Hill Action Group members worked enthusiastically to guide participants in the best planting practices for the site. It truly was a team effort!
The Connecting Country team greatly appreciate all the many hands that made light work out of a busy morning. A special thank you to Post Office Hill Action Group for hosting the event and for their commitment to protecting and restoring the Post Office Hill Reserve over many years. We know the plants planted on the day are in good hands and will be nurtured over the coming months.
Attendees reported that they enjoyed a wonderful morning out in nature, as well as the free lunch provided by Mount Alexander Shire Council.
This event was made possible due to the generous contribution from community members who supported our ‘Trees for the next generation’ GiveNow campaign throughout June and July 2023. We know that our local community cares deeply about biodiversity conservation for future generations, but we were still blown away by the generous donations. A big THANK YOU to our generous members, supporters and the broader community who supported this event.
We look forward to doing it all over again in 2024! See you there.

Connecting Country staff welcome participants to Post Office Hill Reserve. Photo by Connecting Country.
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