18 April – Can I get paid to farm nature?
Posted on 11 April, 2012 by Connecting Country
On the evening of Wednesday 18 April at the Campbells Creek Community Centre, Connecting Country will host a facilitated panel discussion on the topic of ‘Can I get paid to farm nature?’. Participants will hear local industry experts present and debate the pros, cons and economic opportunities of managing biodiversity values on private land.
Peter Johnson from Land for Wildlife and Tim Read from Trust for Nature will discuss the benefits of land covenants. Chris Timewell from Connecting Country and Nick Lewis from ES Link Services will outline incentives available to land managers to include biodiversity in their business activity. Paul Dettmann from Greenhouse Balanced will discuss ways in which land managers can make the most of the emerging markets in biodiversity and carbon offsets. After the presentations, community members are encouraged to pose their own questions to the panel.
The free evening talk, the second of Connecting Country’s 2012 Education Program, commences at 6.30pm with a pre-talk supper. The event is fully catered by CAKE (Castlemaine Abundance Kitchen Enterprise) and the food will be sourced from locally grown ingredients – gold coin donations to the local Landcare group are welcomed.
Following this interactive evening, a field excursion will be held on Sunday 22 April where we will explore a farmer’s and a conservationist’s points of view within the context of an operational farm business. Geoff Park, North Central Catchment Management Authority’s (CMA) Knowledge Broker and operator of the Natural Newstead blog, together with Malcolm Fyffe, a Sandon sheep farmer, will discuss the ecological and agricultural values of soils, waterways, pastures and native vegetation. They will also explore notions of social equity, climate change and land-use planning. There are still places available for the field trip so register now to guarantee your place.
For more information and to RSVP please contact bryan@connectingcountry.org.au or call the Connecting Country office on 5472 1594. Full details of the education program and a registration form can be found here.

Those remnant trees in the back paddock may bring in some extra farm income – attend the Connecting Country panel discussion to find out how.
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