1 March 2013 – Still places available for Kids Nature Discovery Afternoon
Posted on 26 February, 2013 by Connecting Country

Kids will be able to get up-close and personal with some of our native animals thanks to Tooko Wildlife displays. They may even find a new hat!
As part of the 2013 Education program Connecting Country is putting on a special event for kids!
The Nature Discovery Afternoon for Kids is taking place in the beautiful surrounds of Vaughan Springs Reserve (15 minutes from Castlemaine) on Friday 1st March and there are still some places available for kids aged 9 to 12 years.
The event will feature three different half-hour nature activities for kids to move between during the afternoon. They include: a session on freshwater invertebrates with a Parks Victoria Ranger; a session with highly regarded local ecologists and educators Elaine Bayes and Damien Cook; and a native wildlife display from Tooko. We’ll finish with a free barbecue dinner for the kids and their parents and siblings at the reserve.
This should be a really fun event with some very experienced and environmental educators running activities in a beautiful location.
Contact Max at Connecting Country to book – max@connectingcountry.org.au or 5472 1594
Where: Vaughan Springs Reserve, Vaughan
Date: Friday 1st March
Time: Starts at 4:30pm, dinner at about 6:30pm
The cost is just $10 per child and places are limited.
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