10 November 2011 – Chilean Needle Grass Working Group Meeting
Posted on 2 November, 2011 by Connecting Country

Chilean Needle Grass. Photo by Karen Stewart.
Chilean Needle Grass (CNG) is a noxious invader of grassy woodlands and pastures. It is listed Weed of National Significance, and disturbingly there are a growing number of infestations in the local area. Further information on identification, ecology, spread and eradication methods can be found here.
A locally-based CNG working group was established earlier this year to work towards a coordinated approach to reducing the impact and preventing further spread of Chilean Needle Grass and other stipoid grass weeds in Mount Alexander Shire.
The group’s next meeting is on Thursday 10 November 2011 at 4.30 p.m. at the meeting room at the Hub, corner Templeton/Barker Streets, Castlemaine. Everyone interested is invited to attend. Minutes of previous meetings can be found here. Contact Connecting Country on 5472 1594 for more details.
Agenda for CNG working group meeting
CNG Field Day report back: Ian Grenda
CNG CFOC application current status: Jarrod Coote
MAS Council’s roadside management (vegetation) plan: Amy McDonald
CNG Strategic Plan current status: Jarrod Coote
MAS Environment Community Grant 2010/2011: Marie Jones
Mapping of CNG infestations: Marie Jones (Tom Chippindall has offered the use of a GPS resource.)
DSE CNG Program: Claire Coulson
Where to now?
Other business
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