Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Weed control

Pest plants, or weeds, have attributes that enable them to out-complete other species. They may produce prolific amounts of seed, spread vegetatively, grow rapidly and are often unpalatable to livestock or wildlife. These characteristics allow them to dominate some sites and displace many indigenous plants, contributing to a severe decline in biodiversity and loss of agricultural productivity.

Connecting Country has produced a factsheet on invasive plants in our region and your responsibilities to manage these species on your land. Please CLICK HERE to download a copy. 

Noxious weeds are a major threat to primary industry and the environment. The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group, with support from Mount Alexander Shire Council, have produced a range of local weed guides for each ward in our local government region. These guides give examples of some likely weeds you will find in your locality and provide information about your responsibilities as a landowner to control these weeds.

CALDER WARD-Weed-Brochure


COLIBAN WARD-Weed-Brochure



Principles of weed control

Undertaking successful weed management

Specific weed information

Links to useful guides for the weeds of the Mount Alexander region

Useful Weed Resources

Links to useful and local weed control resources

Under the Victorian Catchment and Land Protection (CaLP) Act 1994 certain pest plants are classified as noxious weeds. Land Managers have responsibilities to control these weeds. Failure to do so could result in prosecution and severe fines. Environmental weeds are plant species that are particularly invasive in natural bushland areas, completing with or choking out native plant species. Not all environmental weeds are listed as noxious weeds on the CaLP Act.