Useful resources
Click on the links below to download resources related to biodiversity and climate change in the Mount Alexander region. If you would like hard copies of any of these, please email
If you’d like a bite-sized version of some of these resources, you can also CLICK HERE to download a document we’ve put together summarizing interesting facts.
CLICK HERE to download Connecting Country’s ‘Future-proof your restoration’ fact sheet.
General information about climate change impacts
Climate-ready Victoria – How climate change will affect Victoria and how you can be climate-ready
Climate-ready Victoria: Loddon Mallee – How climate change will affect the Loddon Mallee
region and how you can be climate-ready
Loddon Mallee climate change adaptation snapshot report
A new website shows how global warming could change your town
2017 Annual Climate Facts and Events
The science of climate change questions and answers
Australia’s country towns 2050: What will a climate adapted settlement pattern look like?
Weeds and climate change
Weeds and climate change – Fact sheet
Weeds and Climate Change: Supporting weed management adaptation
Climate change and invasive plants in South Australia
Advisory list of environmental weeds in Victoria
Revegetation and climate change
Climate-ready Restoration: Some practical guidelines for plant restoration in an uncertain future
Creating resilient habitat for the future: Building Climate Future Plots
Climate-ready revegetation: A guide for natural resource managers. Version 2
Broadening the genetic basis of Seed Production Areas by including ‘climate ready’ genes
Natural resource management planning for climate change
Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity: A community-level modelling approach
Victoria’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2017 – 2020
North Central CMA Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Plan
North East Climate Ready NRM Strategy
Presentations from Connecting Country’s “Future-proof your restoration” seminars 2018
David Cheal – ‘Weed attack strategies and plans
John Morgan (LaTrobe University) – ‘Perennial grass weeds that will threaten nature’
Jeroen VanVeen (Bush Heritage) – ‘Woodland stress: signs of times to come?’
Sacha Jellinek (Greening Australia) – ‘Developing guidelines for Climate Future Plots in Victoria’
Brian Bainbridge (Merri Creek Management Committee) – ‘Taking actions from modelling to reality’
Other resources