Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

A call to friends of Powlett Hill

As part of the 2 million tree project the state government offered community and private groups the opportunity to apply for grants for vegetation projects. We have been fortunate to receive funding for 1000 trees and shrubs.

At Powlett Hill we have a long term plan to develop a wildlife corridor throughout the farm, already vegetated areas will eventually be connected along waterways and shelter plantations, the corridor will extend from the Campbelltown bush at the northern edge of the farm throughout the whole farm.

We would be very appreciative of friends of the farm to come on either Sunday 27th July 2014 (National tree planting day ) or Tuesday 29th July from 11.00 am and plant 10 trees each, we will have piping hot soup and fresh bread to warm the soul.

Please bring yourself a mug so we can save another tree.

If you are able to assist with this project please respond by email or phone so we can be sure to have plenty of soup .

For directions, see google maps (click on the link below). There will be signs at gateways.

110 Kellys Road, Glengower VIC 3370

From Andrew & Jenny Fawcett; Ben & Jo Fawcett

Phone 0353 456287
Campbelltown, Vic. 3364